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motivation: "bye i'm going to hawaii, see you soon"

me: "but its spring break! its my only chance to draw!"

motivation: *flies away*

Seems like all Wattpad is going through an artblock right now... I dunno if it's because of the evil Easter bunny or if it's a magical spell or if it's just a coincidence, but the thing is, I caAAnnNNTtt drAAWww.

Well, it's more like i have no motivation to start or finish a piece, but i feel so unproductive hhhh

But anyways, the winner of the guy from the last chapter is... hmm... Dabbing-Moon!

Congrats ;^;

But here's what i've managed to poop out today- a SeaWing character I'll call Atlantic! I'm not too proud of his design but it'll do for now! 2003drago :3

But here's what i've managed to poop out today- a SeaWing character I'll call Atlantic! I'm not too proud of his design but it'll do for now! 2003drago :3

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The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now