By the Fire

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*In a shack in the forest*

Background: "W-what happened? Who are you?"

Queazy: "I'm Queazy, and you should rest. You need to heal."

Background: "...I'm alive? How?"



I had to venture out for hours into the darkness, only protected by a pen. And when I finally found your prison...

Artblock had whipped around from his guard post, his yellow eyes flashing.

I had scrambled for a tree, gripping my pen, drawing in a shaking breath. I knew Artblock was close, I knew he had spotted me- 

I risked a glance from behind the tree. Artblock was a few meters away, scenting the air, growling softly.

"I know you're there. Show yourself," he had hissed. 

I can do this. I can rescue Background, right now, right here. 

I can put an end to this.

Taking a deep breath and wiping my sweaty palms against my jacket, I stepped out. 

Artblock snarled as he saw me, leaping immediately, claws a blur in the sky. He pinned me down, growling, and I flinched as his claws dug into my back. I whipped my pen out and then flipped over, trapping Artblock underneath me and in a flash, I was on top of him with a blade to his throat.

"Let me have Background or you die," I said, my voice quivering with anger.

"Never! Background is mine and mine forever. You will NEVER take him away from me."

I narrowed my eyes. "Then die."

And with a single slash, Artblock was dead.


Background, with tears in his eyes: You did that... for me?

Queazy: yes now shut your quiznak i need to get on with this chapter


Oh man, that was... weird. 

I'll just... you know.... frickle frackle over here and uhhh-


MY CONTEST ENDS IN ABOUT A WEEK! If you want some art from me- remember there are 10 PRIZES- then entering will give you a great chance to get a free commission! If you want to enter, check out the contest chapter! And tag me in your entry :D

Welp, here's the art! I'm really proud of this!

It took 5 hours, man I should be spending this time doing my homework but nAhhhhHHHh who needs sleep anyways?

It took 5 hours, man I should be spending this time doing my homework but nAhhhhHHHh who needs sleep anyways?

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And also a starscape!

And, the source of that beautiful story up there, here's the thing with BOTH A CHARACTER AND A BACKGROUND SCREAM IF YOU COMBINE THEM

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And, the source of that beautiful story up there, here's the thing with BOTH A CHARACTER AND A BACKGROUND SCREAM IF YOU COMBINE THEM

And, the source of that beautiful story up there, here's the thing with BOTH A CHARACTER AND A BACKGROUND SCREAM IF YOU COMBINE THEM

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