are ye feeling a bit... HOORRRNY?

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I made a totally not primary-color gazelle, haha, as an AT with Derpy_Doodler (Milo_On_The_Moon, i'm workin' hard at yours, but I made lines that kinda  suite one of your other OC's~ Is it fine if I colour it as a different OC of yours? :3 If not it's okie)

But I'm not proud of the sky. It kinda killed the piece, heh.

I swear, one day i will declare a war on backgrounds, mwahahaha!

This is why I usually BS the BGs ;-;

So... I took out the sky (For your personal safety XDD)

I was experimenting with painting and lineless art :3 I love lineless it's so much funner hehe

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I was experimenting with painting and lineless art :3 I love lineless it's so much funner hehe

But I think it's finally time to redraw...

This redraw I did in November.



2016 NOVEMBER (oh god)

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2016 NOVEMBER (oh god)

2017 MARCH (I was too lazy to draw a moon so I took one off the internet asdfsjfsj)

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2017 MARCH (I was too lazy to draw a moon so I took one off the internet asdfsjfsj)

2017 MARCH (I was too lazy to draw a moon so I took one off the internet asdfsjfsj)

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(Oh, and, Moon_Cloud, I'm SO SORRY for changing my entry like 3 times, but this will be my new one! :3)

So sorry for the inactivity; and expect a bunch more for this week, because I have a swim meet and HW and all that ;-;

Yey :3

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now