Thank you so much!

707 89 25

This is a late-night thanksgiving post.

Thanks everyone who follows my book so much! I wouldn't be this happy if it weren't for you guys! Like, knowing I can go home, draw something, and then post it, having people support my art is just amazing! I really appreciate all the support so much... Ahh!

And thanks for 1,000 reads, and 250 votes! I'm so thankful, i wish I could thank you guys more! I have to do something for all of you! 

And to everyone in the world who work to make the world a better place- even just by taking care of children or by spreading kindness, are all just so great and awesome. 

I got home at 10 after eating some turkey, so i only had time to do this... I messed up a ton, but at least I got something done! Haha....

 I messed up a ton, but at least I got something done! Haha

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Oh yeah. And now for a tag from GalaxyTheHybrid

 And now for a tag from GalaxyTheHybrid! 

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1. Six favorite fictional characters? Hmm... Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, Mapleshade, Peril, Winter.



4. Actor.

5. Series.



8. Fantasy.

9. Yes! Haha, once i crashed into a pole while reading XD

10. Sure.. But I'll only tag 2 people XD Because it's too late... :P

cabbageandcats ostriches1051843 

Once again, I can't thank you guys enough for everything. 

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now