snazzy jazz

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This is a prize for -blazingmist-, a cat custom design! Phew~

This is a prize for -blazingmist-, a cat custom design! Phew~

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(Ahhh shoot I messed up the proportions XD)

But... ye! I guess I need to say something...


YE LIKE JAZZ??!?1/1//1/11112231///!!!111

Basically, the entire time I drew this, I was listening to... some pretty chill jazz, if i do say so myself. 

Whale, that was a pretty random fact.

Shell we move on now?

Haha, do you sea what I did there?

Oh my cod, did I just make more puns?

I promise, I'm not doing this on porpoise. I'm shore of it.

I guess I'm just fishing for a reaction at this point...

These puns are really crabby, i know..

But i should get a seal of approval for these puns.

Water boat I stop this now?

These puns are really bassic...

Oar maybe they're actually pretty good!

But I need to keep these puns at bay.

fin, i'll stop now.

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now