OneNote doodles + OTA Winners!

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Here's some OneNote doodles from my school computer! (OneNote is basically... MS paint but with smoother brushes, pressure, but much less color choices haha)

(Oh man, I seriously need to do them contest prizes aahhh)

(Wizard dragon)

{Alligator (Heavily referenced!~)}

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{Alligator (Heavily referenced!~)}

{Alligator (Heavily referenced!~)}

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And for the Valentine's Day OTA's...

The winner of this one is-

Dabbing-Moon! :D I'll tag you in some references tomorrow!~

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Dabbing-Moon! :D I'll tag you in some references tomorrow!~

And this one is~

NightMun! I'll also tag ye in some references tomorrow~

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NightMun! I'll also tag ye in some references tomorrow~

Congratulations winners (Although I feel so, so bad putting all this burden on you guys... Ahhhhh ;-;

But, anyways, thank ye all for...

You guessed it! 6.5 thousand! Like... Oh me gawd, that's like.... A lot!

I don't want to seem like the average stuck-up artist, so I'm trying to reply to as much comments as I can without replying to too much- So If it seems like I'm ignoring you, it's probably me being either with too much work, or just lazy, haha~ 

But there's a slight problem, i guess.

What could I do to interact with you guys more? It seems that most "Celebratory interactive stuff" is things like contests, raffles, adopts... They all center around a few lucky winners. That's not good. So... How might I make things that are fun/inclusive of everyone? 

:) Gotta sleep now! Boi!

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