Computer complications XC

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So yeah. My computer has to be wiped and trashed XD, so yeah... I'll be without a computer or anything to draw with until, like, a while later, when my computer is replaced 😬😬...
So I won't be able to draw stuff digitally until... A week? Or maybe just a few days? It depends...
Don't worry, The contest is still going, and the raffle prizes will be worked on, but yeah. I'll try to stay active on this book, posting traditional art from my phone, but the raffle prizes might be delayed... Sorry! Hehe, I'm hopeless without a computer... But yeah!
It's not much time until the computer is replaced, but this chapter is just to let you know!
So... have some nice Schoodles!

What was I doing with my life XDAnd

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What was I doing with my life XD

What was I doing with my life XDAnd

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Sorry for the low quality XP

And... that's all! 😅😅😅

The Roar of Art- Artbook #1Where stories live. Discover now