The Dreygur

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I'm so proud of it's design, aahhhh! I feel like a proud mom ;-;

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I'm so proud of it's design, aahhhh! I feel like a proud mom ;-;

This is a species by me. Stealing will not be tolerated!

I even did research, on Smilodon's (a prehistoric cat, related to the saber-tooth cat) size and anatomy! Then I searched mountain lions and used that as the basis of the anatomy- and then got some inspiration from hyenas and leopards to do spots and the neck fur.  

I'm proud ;-;

The name comes from a comic that I like ^_^ 

Name: Dreygur

Description: They live in mountain terrains, jumping from rock to rock with agility and strength. They live in packs, with a dominant male and female, with several others that are less dominant but help hunt and stuff XP. 

Males are slightly bigger. Only males have saber teeth and a neck scruff. They also have more defined colors. 

They're felines, related to Smilodon and other prehistoric cats.

They mainly eat deer-sized creatures- with their pack, they can take down mountain goats and moose.

Their coats make for great guacamole in their environment! (OH MY GOD DID IT JUST AUTOCORRECT CAMOUFLAGE TO GUACAMOLE OH MY XDDDDDDDDDDDD)

Abilities: They are very muscular and can jump up to 20 feet. They can run at speeds near 45 miles per hour, and have a bite force of around 1,000 PSI (Like a tiger). They have very nice night vision.

Appearance is up there XD

2003drago :) I hope this is worthy to be in Forste ;-;

(This is some concept art- but I think I like it right now, haha... I think the only thing I would change is the saturation of the males' coats XP They're so duuuullllllllllllllllll)

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