Chapter 1

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The case

Steve POV:

I woke up early because Chin had invited me to go surfing with him and Kono. I had to call Danny to see if he wanted to go. I wasn't sure if he had Grace or not. What's the harm in asking anyways?

"Hey Danny, Chin and Kono are going surfing before work you want to come?" I heard muffling and a little voice in the background. Yep he had Grace this week.

"Hey um sure I just need to drop off Grace at her moms house before we go, Ill meet you guys there." Then he hangs up, because if he doesn't get her there on time his ex-wife will have one more reason to not let him see Grace.

I get in my car and drive to the beach and find Chin all  ready to go. But surprisingly Kono is nowhere in sight.

"Aloha Steve, Kono and Adam had another fight this morning so she was delayed. For some reason he wont stop bugging her about going clubbing, you'd think since he was a cop he'd no better." Chin looks upset, he never liked Adam Kono's husband in fact if they separated hed probably rejoice, and so would I.

"Oh well she gets here when she gets here, anyway Danny is going to be late because of Grace." Chin looks distracted when I say this. I know he thinks something bad is going to happen because it always does. Every day someone on this island is found dead and we don't have time to enjoy the little things in life.

Ten minutes later Kono and Danny show up most likely talking about Grace because she hasn't mentioned anything about Adam to me yet. I'm their captain but Chin is her cousin. That's a bond more personal.

Sure enough they are talking about Grace. She says hello and so does Danny, but before we go out to the waves my phone rings. I can here everyone sigh because the rule is that work always comes first.

"Hey we've got a case and its a big one." I say, "A group of people somehow got the names of cops and where they live and they've already began kidnapping them. They think a former ex-cop is giving out the names." At this fact Kono gets a weird look on her face and I remember Adam is a former ex-cop who hated all of his teammates for ratting him out on an illegal thing they did together.

"Kono I'm not saying he did it, but if he did I'd be careful." She nods and chin pats her on the back and smiles weakly.

"Do you want to stay with me until this blows over Kono?" he asks her but she just smiles.

"No cuz, if he is doing it then Ill consider it an undercover job and try to get more info, ill also check they cameras I planted and see if he has gone anywhere in the past 12 hours." then she walks away along with Danny who is getting ready to drive us to the office which leaves me alone with Chin.

"I don't know what you and Kono have going on right now but id prefer you over Adam." He says with a slight chuckle and jogs over to Kono who looks at him funny then smiles. Suddenly the day just got a whole lot brighter.+

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