chapter 17

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Adam POV:

I had been sitting outside the hospital for awhile now. Ever since me and my driver had gotten away we came here. I saw Chin and Danny leave awhile ago. Probably went to go check out the house. I knew Steve would be with her and he would most definitely be armed.

I could also see the cop cars which meant her room was most likely surrounded. Yeah, I was a cop once.

With a sigh I just hop back into my car. We drive off because there is no way I'm going to be able to get in there. I guess I'll just have to wait a few months before I can get her alone. Besides I'm sure Chin has already contacted Steve with the news that they never found my body.

He will heighten security until the other men get there. Oh well I am a very patient man.

Chin POV:

It was always Kono who got the worst of it. But after all she was the girl member. She would be considered the weakest link, even though she most definitely wasn't.

When we get back to the hospital I noticed Steve standing outside of Kono's room. He looked up and frowned when he saw me.

"Hey one of us needs to be in there at all times." Steve says. I look in the room and notice Kamekona sitting in there with her.

"Why what did the doc say." Danny asks because I felt like I physically couldn't.

"All the same stuff I said but one new injury," He looks at me and I know it isn't good. "She was raped Chin" He says quietly and walks off.

I am going to kill Adam.

Steve POV:

I hated telling him that. His face went from sadness to extreme anger. I couldn't imagine if my sister was in Konos position. I would probably kill whoever did it. Chin would too and nobody would stop him. I certainly wouldn't, in fact I might help.

I'm glad they're back though. I am pretty sure Kono missed Chin a whole lot.

E kala mai ia'u Kono.

Hey really short but I figured I'd write something and NO I won't tell you what it means. Just know it is A HUGE foreshadow for the next chapter. Also plz note that we have 50 reads on the first chapter and 8 on the last one, but hey at least its more than 5 which means... THAT IS CORRECT! If I can stop being super lazy and get my 14 year old life together I am going to write another book. And also upload on the others!!!

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