Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to all my followers who comment nice things. Not going to lie, still kind of disappointed that I only had 8 reads on the last chapter. Especially when I had 38 on the first :( But anyway I keep writing for those who do read.

Chin POV:

Steve explained to us his very stupid plan. It went something like this. He was going to get caught and attach a micro camera to his shirt. You know so I could SEE my cousin. Then he would find a way to get out. Yeah what an excellent plan.

He walked toward the house with his arms up. He had the addresses memorized and he was ready. But I still couldn't help but shout his name in warning when they came out with guns.

I was afraid they were just going to shoot him but then two of them took him inside whilst the rest kept their guns pointed at us.

I looked at the camera screen, and got the layout of the building. I also saw an unmarked door, that nobody was guarding. I had an idea. Get on top of the building come in through air vent unnoticed and we could get in.

I looked at Danny and I saw he noticed the same thing. But we would have to wait until the guards went out to the locations.

But then I saw Kono. My jaw dropped.

Adam POV:

Steve entered the building. I still couldn't understand why he would turn himself in. If anything I'd expect Chin to do that. Then everything clicked. Oh my god he loved Kono. He loved that stupid idiot! Oh well they can die together.

Since he is here I decided to go to Kono's cell. I untie her from the chair since she's unconscious. Then put her in chains on the ground.

A soldier comes running up to me.

"Sir, we found a micro camera on McGarret." I laugh. "Permission to remove sir" He couldn't have been 18 years old. Such a great age to join a group of Hawaiian terrorists.

"No, let everybody out there see her." I wanted Chin to feel the pain. Boy oh boy would this be fun.

Steve POV: 

When I am thrown on the ground the first thing I see is Kono. I was right, I was put in the same cell. But she was no longer in a chair. We were both laying on the ground, in chains. I realized this was how Wo Fat held us awhile ago. I wanted to puke.

Kono's nails are all ripped out and I can imagine some of her teeth are as well. She has an IV in her arm, most likely to keep her from starving. Her leg has been bandaged but her burns are starting to look infected. Her face is barely recognizable anymore. It has probably been punched a lot.

I can't imagine how Chin feels considering I want to puke. I look down and thankfully the camera is still there. I turn my head and I see the instruments. Not a harp or a flute, but torture instruments. I now feel even more sick.

The door opens and he looks down at me in disgust, then looks at Kono and smiles.

"My men did a great job, she probably won't wake up for another 4 hours." He laughs. I want to kill him so bad. But I need to get Kono to a hospital. My only question was what did he do to her when we were blind.

"I believe when your hostage you don't get technology." He says and takes off the camera. He throws it at the ground and stomps on it. Damn It!

"So Steve let's say you don't answer my question' he hold up a knife' this will go straight into her other leg, then she'll most likely wake up and be in pain." I already know what the question.

"Answer." He puts the knife next to her leg and I already have the answer I want.

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