Chapter 29

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Steve POV

I nervously tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of Danny's car. He was watching my fingers at first with annoyance then with sympathy. He was one of the first ones to know that I liked Kono and now it seems like everyone knows except her.

"Steve tell her when she wakes up." He says looking back out the window. Now he looks annoyed again but I can't tell if it's the fingers or the fact that I won't tell Kono how I feel.

"Maybe when she isn't in danger." I say trying to avoid the topic. I'm scared to tell her. Probably the only thing at the moment I am scared of.

"Well, the guys who just attacked us are in custody and Adam is MIA so... why not?" Danny says looking back to me.

My only response is a sigh. I turn my head to look farther down the road. I am imagining I can see into the ambulance, see Kono's body shaking whenever the paramedics touch her. Just like when Adam raped her.

I need to tell Chin and Danny about that when we arrive. Kono and I didn't want to tell them yet but I think it's pretty important news now. Might as well tell the passive aggressive one first.

"Hey Danny." I say and he looks up at me.

"What's up?" He says looking concerned. My face and eyes probably mirrored my emotions right now.

"This is important and please let me be the one to tell Chin, and don't punch me either I'm driving." I say and he nods. "Kono was raped by Adam in the prison." He his eyes darken. Their usual blue now turns a stormy gray, and now I think he is going to break his promise about punching me.

"How long have you known?" He mumbles as he slams his back against the seat and running his hand through his hair.

"As soon as Kono woke up."

"THAT LONG!?" He screams at me and I involuntarily flinch.

"She asked me to keep it from you guys." His looks confused once again but his eyes widen... again.

"Oh my god, Steve, does chin know?" I shake my head looking down a bit but still able to see the road. His eyes grow with fear as realization dawns on him.

"Dude Chin is going to kill you, hell I almost did." He is 100% right.

"I know, I'll just have to tell him Kono asked me to keep it from him. She wanted to get back to work as soon as possible." He just nods and we continue to drive there.

HAPPY 1K READS!? Ok I'm a horrible person for not noticing sooner but thank you to all the people who have been reading from the beginning! I love all you and just to let you know,

The story is only beginning! 

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