Chapter 24

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You guys can thank my boyfriend. He is making me continue with this book because this was supposed to be the last chapter. Big thanks to all my followers and I'm going to be starting a 100 fanfic and a stitchers fanfic so be ready! 372 words, I just got back from a concert and this has enough action right???

Steve POV:

They came in, guns blazing. I looked and saw Chin pull out his gun as Danny and I did the same thing. But where was Kono. I saw her try to pull out her gun but unluckily she was closest to the men. She didn't even have time to react before one of them pulled her into a choke hold and pressed the barrel to her head.

"Everyone will stay calm and put their weapons down." The oldest man said. I knew we should have listened but the cop in all of us told us not to go unarmed. That was our first mistake. The man pressed the gun hard against Konos head. She whimpered most likely because her head was still recovering, and the gun wasn't helping.

"NOW!" He yelled more fiercely. Surprisingly Danny was the first to lower his weapon, then me and Chin. The guy whispered something in her ear and she flinched.

The leader motioned to his smallest man and he quickly went and retrieved our weapons before we could grab them. Three of the other men quickly checked us whilst the small one carried the guns looking tiny. Not counting the leader, there was the small man, three bigger men searching us, the one pointing a gun at Konos head and two men behind the leader. Including the leader there was 8 men.(you should probably check my math :))

When they took away all the weapons I shifted to my other foot. Thankful these men did not search behind the belt. Ever since the incident with Adam I kept a knife hidden back there. But with the gun pointed at Kono it wouldn't do us much good, so I'll wait a bit.

"Move and each of you sit with your backs against a leg of the table." The man commanded. I am just thankful that these were not Adams men. Otherwise they'd do a lot worse than make us sit. Then it got worse...

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