Chapter 8

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Steve POV:

The car ride over to Kono was silent and unpleasant. Danny was still pissed that I was leaving, but I didn't care.

"Hey Danny do we have a visual on Kono?" I ask trying to break the silence. His faces changes from angry to worry.

"First things first, her alibi about the parents, well Chin checked it out and he found her father murdered in his house, Chin was not happy about that one.' Kono probably knows I think 'And also we do not have visual we only have audio, from what it sounds like she isn't in any pain" and I can feel in the rest, yet.

Kono POV:

I was getting hungry again and nobody had come in except Adam in over an hour. I haven't seen Wo Fat either, which really surprises me. Suddenly the door bangs open.

"Well Kono, looks like Steve decided to run back to his cop friends after killing Wo Fat. Looks like it's just you, me, and my very unhappy friends." He says with an evil grin. I wanted to slap it right off his face.

Wait Steve and cop friends, did that mean he got out! Wo fat is dead, wow what happened when I blacked out.

"So, who do you want first, remember Kono we're married, I might have a little more lenience." He says with a laugh. I know what he wants me to do, he wants me to pick who hurts me. But I won't.

"I still need that divorce, bitch." I spit at him. He is very surprised at my sudden outburst, and he gets angry, that isn't a good sign.

"Boys you will go once I'm done with her." He says and they all nod in unison. Suddenly it's just me and Adam in a cell. An old prison?

"Kono, I hope you know that all your cop friends including Steve are out there and they can hear us, so mainly they can hear you scream if you don't give us the info we need." My sharp intake of breath is the only thing that I can reply with. Steve IS alive!

When I don't give a response he just shrugs and walks over to the table. The only other piece of furniture in this room besides the chair I'm sitting in. He picks up a wrench looking thing, and I immediately recognize it.

"Yes Kono you remember our honeymoon, with all that awful torture, well lets do it again." he says while sticking something in my mouth, I know he is about to pull out my teeth. But now I can't talk, I can't give up what those cops died for.

He only shrugs one more time and pushes the metal in my mouth.

Chin POV:

I see Danny's car arrive. We are at an abandoned prison cell, where Kono is at. I can't deal with this after seeing her parents murdered. I can only hope she knows that way I won't have to tell her.

As soon as the car stops Steve jumps out and runs over to me. I can tell he's worried, and in a lot of pain. He probably ditched the hospital.

"Chin what's happened so far?" he says and I look over to Danny.

"Steve nothing no sound no noise no Adam, not even a door opening." I say and look over to the radio. We have a military heat detector so we know Kono is in there. But she is sitting down and her body is limp.

Steve looks at the detector and sighs in relief. At my dumbfounded look he just shakes his head.

"Be thankful she is that warm, where we were before it was below the 40s and she was still in her dress." Now I know why her heat went up drastically.

"Listen Steve I really don't want to ask this but what are Konos injuries that you know of?" Like I said I'm not 100% sure I want to hear the answer, but it has to be asked.

"Kono was drugged, hit on the head, burned multiple times on the stomach, Stabbed, and Cut along her stomach." He says this whole awful sentence in a whisper. I hate every word.

But in my murdering mode I was distracted by talking on the radio.

It was Adam telling Kono first who she was hurt by then the deaths and the survivors then he said we could hear them. I was confused because why would he tell her that. Then he said it was so that we could hear her scream.

On the detector we saw him put something in her mouth and I want to look away knowing what it will be. But I can't, it feels to much like a betrayal.

Last we hear screams, and I feel sick to my stomach. But surprisingly Steve looks worse than I do.

Hey so thank you for everyone who reads this book. Please vote though because I am getting a lot of reads but no votes, and I would much appreciate it.

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