Chapter 23

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Okay so last week was happy 500 and I already now have 600 reads! But one reader has been with this book since the beginning and that is RoseAJohnson! Thanks for reading and commenting. Also go check out LOST! 1092 words.

Three weeks later

Steve POV:

Ever since the Adam incident in the hospital we haven't heard anything in a long time. He hasn't pooped up on our radars, maps, and he hasn't contacted us or Kono. Kono managed to get herself out of the hospital a week early. She said she had enough of just sitting and doing nothing.

She has calmed down a lot since Adam hasn't popped up in awhile. She has slowly gotten her old shape back and has been feeling better than ever. Or at least that's what she's told us. I have no idea what's going on in her brain anymore. She is always mixed up or rambling.

Especially after her parents funeral. With all the Adam confusion all of us except Kono had forgotten about how her parents were killed. We wondered if since Wo Fat died if Adam became the boss or if someone was above him. Everyone just assumed Adam but I did suspect that there was someone else.

Kono came back to work yesterday but she is still limping. For now she is sitting out of field work until we can get her back on two feet. Her stomach is extremely scarred now from the burns and the long cut. Luckily she doesn't have a concussion anymore from when she got hit on the head.

We had both agreed that she would be the one to tell Chin about the rape, and that she would do it when she was emotionally ready. We also wanted to wait until we weren't at risk of Chin exploding. We worried that if we told him now that he would blow up 5-o headquarters. He was still mad at himself for not realizing the danger of Adam sooner. But he did, Kono just didn't listen.

When we walked in the first person I saw was Chin. I walked around the corner and saw that he was laughing and talking to Kono. Chin also has been a lot more happy since he found out that his cousin was going to be okay with no permanent damage. Kono was living with Chin until she felt comfortable enough to live on her own again. Which we could all understand.

"No cuz, I do not!" Kono said laughing. Her emotional state was improving so she would probably end up telling Chin soon.

"Listen Kono, when you stand up on the surf board you stumble before you stand up." Chin says confidently. Kono starts shaking her head in defense before I pitch in.

"Ha I never noticed that until you pointed it out." I say laughing and pointing at Chin. We both crack up together and Kono stands there giggling. Danny walked in looking stressed.

"Danny when I stand up on the surfboard do I stumble?" Kono asked him impatiently. He finally looks up from his phone and thinks for a minute.

"Oh yeah I guess you do that a lot." He mumbles while looking back down at his phone. Danny is usually the one cracking jokes so something was wrong.

"Hey Danno what's wrong man." I say patting him on the back. He looks up at me and mumbles something. I think he said in the office when he starts sluggishly walking back to my office. I sigh and follow him. I can feel Konos eyes looking at my back. I smiled inwardly.

Once I get into the office Danny looks like he's about to throw up. I nod my head as if saying explain please.

"Listen it's just another debate with Rachel, I mean if Rachel gets married she could reason with court to get full custody of Grace." He said looking distressed. I thought for a moment and an idea popped into my head.

"What if you proposed to Amber wouldn't that solve your problem." At this point Danny looked up. I continued, "I mean you two have been dating for awhile now and if you pop the question than the court would at least give you half if not full custody of Grace."

He begins to smile. "Steve you are my dumbest yet smartest friend, you're right that would save me." I feel happy for him he deserved happiness even though he just called me stupid.

Kono POV:

One minute we were all laughing and talking about bad surfing techniques and the next moment Steve and Danny were walking into Steve's office. I look back at Chin and he shared my same worried expression.

A notification popped up on the table meaning we had a case. I knocked on the door to Steve's office and I saw a weird sight. Danny's once slumped over figure now looked happy and refreshed.

"Sorry too interrupt your happy time boys but we have a case." I said with a bit of humor in my voice. Danny did a sarcastic laugh but all the color drained out of Steve's face. That might have been the first time I have ever seen him embarrassed.

I walk back to the center of the room and Chin already has the case reports and the suspect pulled up on the monitor.

"Charles Sanchez, his group of men is suspected for blitzing cop headquarters and opening fire. Only one cop has gotten out alive and the only person he saw was Sanchez, according to his report though Sanchez didn't kill them all immediately, apparently he took his time oddly enough." Chin informs us.

"No sign of Adam I assume?" Danny asked. I only tensed a little. I was getting more comfortable hearing his name when it came up in discussion.

"No nothing yet but these are completely different men." Chin says looking at me. He nods at me questioningly and I nod back. I still need to talk to him about the whole rape situation. But that is for another time.

"Okay so where are they?" I asked.

"We don't know where their base is but we have learned that at least two of them bought plane tickets onto this island, the plane landed two hours ago that is why we were informed." chin said.

"Alright..." Steve began making a plan but before he could get anywhere 6 men with guns burst into the room and all of our weapons were still strapped in.

All the guys pulled their weapons out but before I could even process what was happening one of them grabbed me and put his gun to my head.

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