Chapter 19

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Steve POV:

When she said Adams name I couldn't help but tense up. She looks around and she probably notices when Chin slides to block the door. She looks back at me and I know she knows what I was about to do a couple of minutes ago.

She doesn't look worried. In fact she almost looks grateful. She gives me a small smile and I cant help but return it.

Then everything shifts. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and the monitor starts going crazy. Chin runs over and pushes the nurse button. A lot of times. Kono is seizing, I know that because of my medical training in the military.

The nurses come running in and so do doctors. They say the exact same thing I thought, she is seizing. I look away, she looks really bad. I make eye contact with Chin, he looks back with an equal expression of worry.

They start to roll her away and into a different room. Danny eventually falls back but me and Chin try to go in too. We are stopped by multiple doctors. Eventually after so much struggling I give up. They would never let us in. Chin had tears in his eyes and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Kono was his last family. I put a hand on his shoulder when it looked like he actually might hurt someone.

"Chin," I say. He looks back and realizes that I am being serious. "The doctors can work easier if there are more of them in there." I said giving a pointed look at some of the doctors in the hallway. As soon as their eyes meet mine they run back into Konos room.

Chin can't speak at all. I walk him back to where Danny had witnessed the whole fight with the doctors. He just grudges along looking defeated. I felt the same way. When he sits down the wait begins.

After two hours there is still no news even though I have asked many times. When I walk back to the guys I hear shouting. I jog over and see Danny holding Chin back from someone.

"What is going on?" I say in a stern voice. Danny shakes his head no.

"Well look who finally showed up." Someone says with a laugh. Chin steps back and when I see who it is I drop my coffee all over the floor, my face in total shock.

Adam stands before me holding a gun to one of konos doctors heads.

There ya go. One POV because I updated ncis yesterday and I was feeling tired. I guess in a way I left you on two cliffhangers... your welcome. But I am amazed with how much more support this book is getting. I was also thinking about ready... ANOTHER BOOK, maybe, possibly. Tell ya what if this book gets 1000 reads by its ending which is TBD. Then there will definetly be a second. Love yall!

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