Chapter 10 (with a special thanks)

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So before this chapter starts I really wanted to thank RoseAmeliaJohnson for reading my book and sharing her opinions about it. Thanks for reading and I'm writing this chapter for you :)

Kono Pov:

Finally after an hour of pulling my teeth he finally got a call and left. Now that I know Steve and the others are alright I feel better, even though if I get out of here I'm going to have to get major mouth surgery.

Wait, I just remembered that the guys can hear me. Screaming was a mistake, but I couldn't help it. I can't imagine how Chin must feel. It feels like I haven't seen him for a month even though it's only been three days.

"Well Kono you're in luck I have to take this business call, see you soon my darling." Adam says making me frown. I would have snarled but I can't really move my mouth. Before everyone leaves the room I see Adam make a hand signal.

Suddenly one of his 'friends' punches me five times in the stomach and face before finally closing the door. I know they heard me groan when that happened but I really didn't care at this point.

In a wave of desperation I call out to my only hope.


Steve POV:

Everybody keeps asking me if I'm ok, even Chin does. But honestly why would I be. I just heard Kono scream for an hour, then get beat. Her call for help pushed me over the edge though.

I walk away for everybody, Danny, Chin, but stop. I don't want to be any farther away from Kono. I hear footsteps and turn around. I'm surprised to see Chin walking towards me.

"I'm not going to ask you if your ok again so don't run away." he says as I start to walk away again.

"How can you stand it Chin, your cousin is in there screaming." When I say this his face turns grim and looks away. I know that must have stung but I can't think straight anymore.

"I'm not, the only reason I'm not going in there and ripping everyone's heads off is because if I do Kono dies. That is the only solace I have right now, is the fact that she is alive." He says matter of factly. Somehow that all makes sense to me now.

But it still doesn't want to make me kill them less.


I just loved it. Not Kono but hurting her. For some strange weird reason this makes it all better. After years and years of being with that cop goody two shoes I can finally say it was worth it. I think though I have enough blood on my hands so I'm going to let Dave and Goliath do the rest.

I motioned for them to beat her a couple times. I hoped it was firm, not too hard and not sissy punches. As much fun as it was this isn't about her. It was about getting back at Steve.

Now I want Chins head too. He killed my boss and he's really going to pay. Not physically but emotionally. I get a devilish smile on my face.

"Boys, I think it's time we make a phone call."

Yup I know but anyway here is the new part. I think I might upload tomorrow too so stay tuned. Also don't forget my tip about re-reading some chapters. It helps you envision it better. Now it's time I finish watching 2 Broke Girls :)

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