Chapter 26

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Steve POV:

They dragged Kono away from us and into my office. I would have to redo it all. We all heard the gun shot and Konos scream erupt from behind the closed door. Chin eyes began watering, so were Danny's. I looked back up and the room was filled with the men's laughter. We are all in tears except Danny. He is trying to be strong for us.

Suddenly we hear a female scream and we all sigh. I don't know what they're doing but as long as she isn't dead, I'll live. This screaming went on for 3 hours! The men rotated with the men who were guarding us. They went into the office and suddenly, more screams.

"What are you doing to her." Danny mumbles but also growls. He looks more pissed then I have ever seen him.  The men look at him and laugh, which only made him more pissed. I look over at Chin and see him almost released from the bindings. As long as Danny and I keep him distracted Chin might be able to get out.

Chin POV:

I am almost free. Using this time I calculated a plan for getting out. There was a bullet prove shield right in front of me and the guns were on the table next to it. Based on their positions and how they're distracted with Danny and now Steve, who for some reason joined in on the yelling. Steve isn't one for getting out of hand.

I look at Steve whilst Danny continues yelling. He looks at me and nods. Danny might not be distracting but Steve is. He sees what I'm doing and tries to help.

Suddenly I'm free. I know I need to gather my breath and re-evaluate my plan before moving. Of course I wanted to get to Kono but I had to be smart. If I get killed I'll only make things worse. Finally, with a burst of energy, I grab the shield. I hear the bullets already smacking against and their impact hurts my arm. But I'll deal with that later.

If they were smart they'd use Steve and Danny against me but they are too surprised to even think about that option. So with a last effort I grab the pistol. They finally are out of rounds and I shoot them both quickly in the chest. I put the shield up and as the men come out the office door I shoot them down. Steve and Danny have all their important organs protected so that if they're shot it might not do as much damage.

Cop cars pull up finally noticing we didn't report to the scene. They came in as well. There was so much shooting I probably wouldn't be able to hear after this. But it's my job as a cop and as Kono's cousin. Finally after 6 of them are dead the others lay down their fire arms and get on their knees. Smart people. I think.

So I thought that Chin deserved his moment ya know. He doesn't get much of those on the show. I am writing a new book so go check out 'He saved her' right now! First four chapters are out for your viewing pleasure!

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