Chapter 27

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Danny POV

I don't know what had gotten into me. But after three hours of my little sisters screams I couldn't take it anymore, not even realizing the opportunity I was giving to Chin. Before I knew it bullets were flying everywhere and just dropped and covered my head and stomach. By some miracle we weren't injured. Chin looked exhausted and cut us free. Steve and I both ran to the office door but Steve's arm stopped me.

"Chin, it could be rape and if it was she'd feel least threatened by you." Steve said calmly. I wanted so badly to disagree but I knew he was right. Kono would be scared of everyone, maybe even her cousin. I couldn't think about the case anymore I just hoped Kono was ok.

Chin nodded, probably still unable to speak and opened the door then shut it. Kono would be scared of our sight so this was the best plan. We heard one small shriek then whimpers.

About fifteen minutes of waiting later Chin came out carrying Kono bridal style with his jacket wrapped around her. It was rape. He took her into the ambulance and we all followed behind.

Chin POV

I knew why I had to go in. I was blood family and she had known me the longest, I would be allowed to touch her without getting punched. I walked in quickly and shut the door because I didn't want the guys to even see her in this state. She shrieked when the door shut so I quickly pulled her into a hug.

Thankfully the shrieks died to whimpers.

"Chin...?" She whispered probably barely able to talk because of the screaming.

"I'm here Kono go to sleep, we'll get you help." I said in her ear. She nodded against my chest and after ten minutes she finally drifted off. I took off my jacket and put it around her so that she'd be fully covered. I picked her up and thankfully she didn't wake up.

I walked out the door and Steve and Danny stared at her in horror. I looked down and finally saw here in good light. She was an absolute mess and looked like she had when we found her in the prison. Broken.

I carried her out to the ambulance and before I could hop on, the doors were shut and they were speeding off. I hopped in the car and Steve and Danny followed me all the way to the hospital.

Sorry it's short but I HAD to update and I'm super tired, so enjoy what I have.

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