Chapter 16

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Kono POV:

When I wake up I feel an IV in my arm. I instantly think back to the prison and start to freak out. Memories just flood into my mind, about the raping...  that word still echo's in my mind. The last thing Adam said to me before I was knocked unconscious.

When I open my eyes all I see are bright lights. I can here the heart monitor rise when I realize I'm alone. What will happen if Adam comes in. I can't protect myself. He will take me and rape me again to get info out of me.

I can't handle that I don't think anyone can. My thoughts drift off to my team. Oh my god where were they. I close my eyes and horrible images come up. Danny was hung, Chin was stabbed, and Steve oh my god he had a bullet straight through his head and his eyes were looking up at me.

They screamed help me. Suddenly  I found myself screaming too.

Steve POV:

I went to get coffee. The doctor said Kono probably wouldn't wake up for a few more hours. I was walking back to our room. We split one since according to Chin I needed medical attention too. That was when I heard screaming. I dropped my coffee and ran into the room.

Kono was curled up in a ball. Her heart was speeding up and she was whimpering. I ran over to her and tried to comfort her. I touched her and she started freaking out. Then I remember the doctor saying shed been raped. I knew she was confused and probably thought I was Adam.

"KONO!" I yelled. I knew she had recognized my voice when she closed her eyes and the monitor went back to normal. I had never seen Kono this vulnerable before. It made me sick.

The guys had went to go check out the house. I was sitting on Kono's bed and her head was on my chest. She had fallen asleep again. I told myself I would stay with her. That Adam would never touch her again.

She woke up again, and for a moment freaked out. I squeezed her arm and she came out of it.

"Steve are we at the hospital?" she asked. I was glad she didn't say anything about the prison. I still hadn't told Chin yet about the rape. I will tell him eventually.

"Yea we are. Kono I tricked Adam to go straight into gunfire but according to the guys he wasn't at the scene, we think he got away." I said and she looked afraid. So I continued. "But we think he only had 1 or 2 men left. the rest died in the gunfire or back at the prison." At this fact she smiled. It might take Adam months to gather enough men and courage to come after us again. He knows that if he does, I'll not hesitate to kill him.

The doctor came into the room and smiled. "Hello Kono how are you feeling?" He asked. He knew the answer I'm guessing.

"Not to great doc, I feel like I was stabbed, burned, had all my teeth ripped out, raped, beaten, and yeah I guess tortured." She said sarcastically. The doctor gulped and I felt bad for him. But he has to know not to ask a question like that after what she went through.

"I'll check on you later." He said quietly and left the room. I had started to laugh the second he came into the room and I was finally able to release it.

"What's so funny?" Kono asked me. I grinned.

"You might be in pain Kono, but just know your anger hasn't changed a bit. Not that I blame you." I tacked on that last bit with a serious tone because I didn't want her to hate me as well. She grinned and rolled over.

We both got wanted sleep.

Okay so no this book is not going to end next chapter. Due to some kind words I've decided to drag this out as long as possible. Kind of like Supernatural ;). I also decided that when this book is done, depending on how many reads it gets, I might leave it at one. If this book starts getting more than 5 reads on one chapter I'll feel up for another book. But I do enjoy writing this story and you can expect a lot more action in the future ;)

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