Chapter 15

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Triple update! Glad you guys are enjoying it
Steve POV:
When I see Chin burst into the room, relief floods through me. Not for myself but for Kono who passed out. Probably from the pain. Chins face is enough to make me want to kill Adam for what feels like the hundredth time today. We still don't know what happened when we went blind. But the way Kono flinched at me just touching her I have an idea, and it's not pretty. But we will have to get konos confirmation.
Chin unchains me and Kono. I pick her up and walk towards the door. Luckily there is already an ambulance parked out front. They put Kono on the stretcher and begin their work.
"You guys will make a great couple." Chin says from behind and Danny smirks.
"Yeah but only if she lives through this mess." I laugh because everything is ok. We have her back.
Adam POV:
I can't believe my stunt with Kono worked. I am still dumbfounded. But then again, Wo Fat always said Steve was weak minded when it came to those he loved. I loved Kono too.  I made sure to turn off the sound when I had my way with her. I know that therapy can never get rid of our 5 minutes in heaven. Now I get to kill Danny's family too. This day just keeps on getting better and better.
I wait in the car for the first round of soldiers to go in. It is a pretty nice house for a family. But I guess they do have their benefits.
I hear the gunfire and all the soldiers either run away or are already dead. Most likely dead. I tell the driver to hit the gas and we're off. I'm going to kill her when i get back to base.
However when we do get back, all I see are the dead bodies of my men. There is no Kono or Steve in sight. All the equipment from the government is gone and I realize that this was a trap. They had managed to get Kono away from me! That is not how I am going to play this game. After punching the wall a few dozen times I feel my blood boil with embarrassment. To Wo Fat, I had just failed. I had walked right into the trap. I now hate myself. It doesn't matter I'm just going to get them back, no matter what.

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