Chapter 3

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Kono POV:

My plan was complete. I would stick close to Adam, but always no where the nearest member of my team was. Meanwhile Adam went out once and returned an hour later. You could easily get to the forest in fifteen minutes. That made me a tad worried.

"So much for resting." Adam says opening the door without knocking.

"I did rest and why didn't you knock?" I question.

"I think you forgot we're married so this is my room as well. Are you ready for tonight?" adam asks.

"I think I changed my mi-"

"Ok great we leave in five minutes" he cuts me off. It is pitch black outside, and I am starting to get really worried.

Steve POV:

When I heard Adam basically force Kono into a car I wanted to punch him. Chin laughs at my reaction like all of this is a prank. Sadly, I can't smile with him.

"Chin, Adam is a REAL suspect and he could be a killer"

"Yes but we all know Kono is much more than she looks like." Danny retaliates

"Yes Steve we all know Kono can handle herself no doubt." Chin says

"Ok first of all I can still be worried and second Danny when did you come into this conversation?" I say giving him a dirty glance.

"I came into this conversation the day you asked me to join 5-o!" I scowl but he is right. He gave me his liver for gods sake!

"You're right I'm sorry I'm just really stressed." I say because its the truth.

"Anybody would be if their girlfriend  were going to a club with the suspect." He adds with a merciful laugh. But before I can punch him,

"Alright something will happen to my cousin if we don't get in the car and intercept them soon." Chin adds quickly noticing the tension going up.

Before we can argue again I just walk outside to the car. Kono needs us right now, and we can't let her down.

Kono POV:

When we arrive at the club I soon find myself looking for a car I recognize. Apparently I wasn't doing this to discreetly.

"Who are you looking for?" Adam asks me with a sudden curiosity. Damn it! He is definitely on to me. I quickly come up with an excuse.

"I don't feel very comfortable and I'm nervous. I have never done this before." Then I am filled with relieve at the fact they took the one car that Adam doesn't know about.

He doesn't answer in fact he seems to be getting impatient.

We walk in and I see Danny in one corner and Steve in another. If I were to guess Chin was in the car because Adam knew him to well. I hoped, I really hoped.

Adam immediately starts looking around probably looking for Chin. Good thing he is waiting out in the car. Until I look around too and notice men in suits standing around looking extremely out of place.

I look and see Danny notice the same thing and when I look to see Steve I notice he isn't where I last saw him. Danny sees and gives me a sign. I'll go find him, it seems to say. Adam and I are now in the center of the club and I can see where he is leading me. He is leading me towards the back.

In order to not flat out ask what he was doing I make a joke instead.

"We come to leave so early, Adam we haven't even been here a minute."

"Just know Kono I didn't think I'd have to do this."

Suddenly everything goes black.

Ok real stuff goes down next week remember if you want all the updates my insta is dkpshark and I will be posting updates there. Do you want me to upload this early again. If so comment and also remember, don't forget Steve is also nowhere to be found as well.

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