Chapter 33

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Kono POV

I came back into the office. I went to my office and started to look for paperwork I knew I missed. Danny poked his head in.

"Kono, Steve wants to talk to you." He said with a smile.

"Ok" I say and stop shuffling around my desk. When I am almost out the door he grabs my arm.

"Chin finished all your paperwork this morning." He said with a chuckle. I am going to kill my cousin. Right after I finish talking with Steve though.

I walk into his office a bit worried. What if with all the recent events he doesn't think I am able to my job? What if he fires me? No, he wouldn't do that  I reassure myself as I walk in.

He looks up from his desk and smiles. Well, I'm not getting fired.

"I am guessing I am not fired?" I ask with a nervous laugh, still not entirely too sure.

He just laughs at this. He almost falls out of his chair causing me to laugh as well.

"No why would you be?" He says still chuckling.

"I don't know, what did you need to see me for?" I ask trying to change the subject. I am a little embarrassed for accusing him.

"I just wanted to thank you." He says smiling.

"For what?" I ask, not sure if he is talking about Adam or more recent events.

"For a couple things. First, for not kicking my ass into next week when I told Chin. Second, for staying brave during the time in the prison. Lastly, for making work a lot more bearable." He says. I was a little confused with the last one.

"What do you mean 'more bearable'" I ask him.

He chuckles more, "I can't imagine working with Danny alone every day. That sounds like torture." I laugh because I can't imagine it either.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure if that happened one of you would have killed each other by now." I tell him and he smiles.

"Please Danny couldn't kill me." He says loudly enough that Danny hears it. He runs in and looks pissed.

"Yes I could." He says angrily.

"Get out hoa." He says laughing at Danny's expression.

"Was there anything else?" I ask after Danny left and our laughter ceased. I was kind of hoping that he would ask me to be his girlfriend. I don't know why.

"Yeah there is one thi-" Before he could finish the door opened. His face said it all.

"What thing?" Katherine asked coming in and sitting on his desk.

"Get out." Was all he said. What made me chuckle was the fact that his tone was serious but he wore a smile.

"No, what thing?" She asked more firmly. Steve had broken up with her but for some reason she just couldn't stay away. It didn't take a genius to know that she wanted my spot on 5-o.

"I was about to ask Kono out for dinner tonight." He said scowling at her. My heart jumped and I was so overwhelmed with happiness. Until Katherine turned around to look at me. I held up my hands and mocked surrender.

"I was about to say yes." I say and smirk at her. She looked furious and out of the corner of my eye I saw Steve smile. He has no reason to be shocked.

Chin came running in. "Did you dislocate Danny's shoulder!" He yelled at her. Steve jumped up from his seat and I just glared at her. She smiled sweetly.

"He wouldn't let me into Steve's office." She said and walked out. "Have fun on your date." She said not turning around.

Chin looked at us both. Danny came in holding his arm.

"Date?" Danny asked looking at Steve.

"Uh, yes." He answered.

He jumped up and winced. "YOU FINALLY ASKED HER!" He shouted. In order to shut him up I ran over and quickly popped his shoulder back in place. He yelled in pain and Steve laughed.

"You deserved that hoa." He said still laughing as he walked out the door.

Once him and Danny left I looked at Chin and he was silently laughing.

"Congrats cuz"  He said and gave me a hug. I pulled away and smiled back at him. He began to walk out when he turned around. "Do me a favor?" He asked.


"Don't break his heart." He said with a smile. I loved the fact that he was more scared I'd break his.

"I thought you were going to tell me to lock up." I asked laughing. He started to walk away again.

"That too!" He yelled not turning around.

So,,,,, MCKONO FINALLY HAPPENED! Well in this book at the very least. I don't think I can write the date considering how much I was cringing writing this. But maybe when I get them more evolved as a couple I will. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

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