Chapter 12

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Kono POV:

When the men began walking toward me, I felt fear. What was I going to do if they killed me. But I wouldn't die because I still have something to live for. My team. But where were they.

"This is gonna be fun Riley." The really tall buff man that punched me said. Riley looked at him. Riley was shorter but equally as strong, maybe even stronger.

"I still don't like this but I guess I'd rather not be killed." He said with a frown. Riley didn't want to hurt me, but the other man found pleasure in it.

They walked toward me and I immediately recognized the metal rings on their knuckles. By the end of whatever they had planned for me those rings would definitely be red.

The tall one punched and I screamed in pain. God this hurt. Then I heard Adams voice over the loudspeaker.

"Just give up Kono and I'll make this all stop." But I was smart. I knew he had too much pleasure in hurting me. No matter what I told them, they would never stop. But I knew eventually the pain would get to be too much, and thoughts about Steve and Chin wouldn't help.

Another stronger pain came to my face. Adam was still taunting over the loudspeaker, and the man was laughing, and Riley looked unsure. All I knew was that if I didn't get out of here soon, I would most likely die.

The punches still came and my screams went to whimpers because my voice was out for what seemed like the hundredth time over the past four days. All I could muster was a wimpy 'help' before everything went black. My last thoughts were on Steve.

Steve POV:

We could hear Adams taunting, and the punches, and worst of all Konos screams and cries for help. But now I had a plan to keep her alive longer.

I explained my plan to Chin and Danny but they immediately shot it down. I told them I was the captain and I made the decisions.

My plan was to surrender myself to them, get taken hostage, and hopefully by us some time. I would give them false information and I had the addresses of five empty warehouses where men were stationed. I had my house ready to go where there were also gunmen stationed.

I wouldn't kill them, but at least I'd be the reason they got killed. I would also get to see Kono and make sure she is not actually dying. Because if she is we are flat out of luck. Kono is essential to make this plan work and she doesn't even know it.

It's a good thing she doesn't know Danny's  address. Hopefully she'll protest which will make it even more believable.

I start walking towards the warehouse and I am immediately greeted by unhappy workers. They check me over and take out my gun. I also know Adam will instruct them to put me in the same room as Kono to hurt me.

That is a good thing. Much to Chins protest they drag me inside. I also have a micro camera attached to my shirt. Now at least everyone will get some sort of visual.

They plop me down of the floor of what I assume is Konos cell and I look up. I have a sharp intake of breath because what I see is truly horrifying.

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