Chapter 6

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Steve POV:

I look to Kono. It has been about an hour since Adam left us. Kono is still shivering, and I don't know whether it is from pain or from the cold. Probably a mix of both. I feel like I need to say something to her but I can't get the words out. She told me not to say, and she's correct. I will never forgive myself if I put Danny in danger.

"Steve, you can't tell him anything no matter what he does." Kono says quietly. We haven't eaten in a while and with her blood loss she's probably extremely weak.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't feel bad about what he's doing to you." I say matter-of-factly.

"I swear if we get out of here, I am going to get a divorce" she adds a merciless laugh "and then I'm going to kill him."

Her laughter is somehow the only thing that makes this awful weight lift off my shoulders. That is until the door opens. Kono can't see who is coming in, but I do. Trust me I wish I didn't. He is gone, he is dead. Is all I can think. Kono looks at me and knows, it isn't Adam.

Chin POV:

We start looking around the club. We don't know where else to go. Luckily there was security cameras out back. We saw Adam and Kono go out. I saw him inject Kono with something, and I immediately felt disgusted with myself. We had known it was Adam. I should have never let her go through with this crazy plan.

Then we see Steve get dragged out. He is also injected with the same substance. I see Kono struggling against Adam and he hits her hard. In the back of the head with the handle of his gun. Then the man that is holding Steve finally turns toward the camera unknowingly.

Danny gasps even though he never does. I frown because this case of kidnapping has gotten a lot more complex. Wo Fat was looking into the camera. If he had Steve and Kono I know his torture techniques. I also know that it doesn't work on Steve.

I look over at Danny knowing he has just realized the same thing I have.

"You can't punch info out of Steve," Danny says "but he cracks when you start hurting the people he is closest too."

We both understand the quickest way to get info out of Steve would be to hurt the person he loves.

"He is probably going to hurt Kono to hurt Steve." I say and we both look at each other.

Kono POV:

I can't see behind me without hurting my head. So instead I just except the fact that my husband will be the one to hurt me. But Steve's expression says something different. He doesn't look angry, he looks afraid. Like, REALLY afraid.

Only one person has ever made him look like that. Wo fat probably just entered the room. I was the punching bag for his workout. I realize that Steve will crack, if it is Wo that will be hurting me. He couldn't stand it.

Nobody says anything, not one word. Not even Wo says anything. Instead he just walks over to me and sticks something into my side. I scream because this pain is worse than the knife. It feels hot. I look down crying and what I see is a long metal rod that is bright orange.

Steve screams for him to stop, but Wo laughs in amusement. He pokes me with it again but this time in the center of my stomach. He goes around my body poking me three times. Half way through the third I can't scream in pain anymore because my voice is gone.

The only good thing is that I am no longer cold. Steve still yells at him, but his words are now a blur. Finally he asks a question.

"Steve I know you think you are doing a good thing, protecting your team members, but I will ask you one more time. Where does Danny live?" I muster up enough strength to shake my head. I know he gets my message.

"I'm sorry Fat I can't tell you that info." Steve says and I smile. Because whether Steve thinks so or not he did the right thing.

He doesn't respond with poking me or shooting Steve. Instead he just shrugs and makes a motion with his fingers. Suddenly everything goes black.

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