Chapter 11

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Steve POV:

My conversation with Chin was suddenly over when an officer ran up to us.

"Phone call for officer McGarret." he says hands the phone to me then runs back to wherever he is posted. I don't need to ask to know who it is. I nod to Chin and he understands.

"Adam, why?" it's the only thing I can say without screaming. I think for the first time in my life, I'm afraid.

"Just remember it's all about you, Kono can't speak so we're still relying on you for answers. So answer in 1 day or I pull the plug on this if you know what I mean." He laughs and then hangs up.

I know what I have to do.

Kono POV:

Adam took the call. All I can do is silently hope that the guys got my message and they'll be helping me out soon enough.

I don't know who Adam called but I'm guessing it's Steve. Probably making a deal for my life. All I can hope is that it wasn't info on Danny again.

Adam suddenly opens the door and I am honestly scared, for the first time in my life. He grins and goes back to his table of toys.

One of his 'friends' hits him on the shoulder and I remember him telling them that it was their turn once he was done. Thankfully he put down the nail killer device and instead patted them on the back.

I knew what that meant. It is their turn to have their way with me. But my guess is that it won't be fun. So far I haven't seen Adam let go a chance to hurt me, mentally or physically. So I can only guess it will be bad.

Sorry it's really short, I have a school dinner I forgot about. But there is a good chance I might upload later tonight. Thanks for the nice comments and WATTPAD FINALLY FIXED THE ISSUE! Now much more people will be able to read this. Hey plz vote and comment what you thought. Every time I get a notification a smile and people think I'm insane :)

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