Chapter 31

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Chin POV

When we arrived at the hospital Kono was already taken back to get looked at. I figured I might as well tell Chin the news even though Kono wanted to do it.

"Chin there is something I need to tell you." I say and I am so nervous. Danny stands in between us ready to hold back Chin if he snaps like Danny did in the car.

"What Steve?" He looks worried.

"It has to do with Adam." I say and I act confident. "No he didn't contact us." I say when he looks worried.

"Then what?" He asks still looking concerned.

"Adam he raped Kono right before I got in there." I step back when his face begins to get red. 

"Why di-did you not tell me?" He says, his face getting redder.

"Kono asked me not to." I give him sad eyes. He steps back as well and Danny immediately untenses. I am happy that Chin is calm but I am also sad that he had heard the news this way.

"Family of Kono Ka-" She stopped looking at Kono's last name.

"It's ok it's us." I say motioning to Chin and Danny. She smiles a regretful smile.

"She's awake follow me." She says and Danny starts walking after her.

"Chin?" I say when I notice he hasn't followed us.

"Sorry I am coming." He says and pushes himself out of his seat.

"I don't think you should talk about Adam yet, she might not be ready." I say looking straight ahead. Even though out of the corner of my eye I see Chin visibly tense. But he eventually relaxes when we are at Kono's room.

"Will do." He says and together we walk in, sense Danny is already there.

Kono is on the bed. She looks a little banged up, but definitely not as bad as last time.

"Is it sad that the doctors and nurses knew me by name." She says with a laugh. I smile, along with Danny and Chin. Leave it to Kono to be happy given what has happened.

"Everything good?" Chin asks her. Thank goodness he didn't mention the other time. I forgot to tell Danny! I eyeball him until he finally looks at me. He flinches when he sees my stare and nods his head.

"What are you two doing." Kono says

"Well they managed to get me an abortion." She says perfectly calm.

"WHAT!" We all scream at the exact same time.

She looks up, "Guys if I get raped 8 times I was bound to get pregnant none of them used protection."

I sigh and shake my head and Chin looks furious. Danny has his poker face on. But I can tell he is pissed.

"Good thing 6 of them are dead." I say and Chin, Danny, and Kono all smile. It sure is a good thing because Chin probably would have gone down to the police station and killed them all.

So I was thinking about doing new books. I know I can barely keep up with the ones I am already writing but I have new ideas. Here are some,

Criminal Minds
Or maybe even a book on some of my wacky stories (Trust me they're weird)

Comment which ones you guys might want! They'd all have to do with one of the main characters getting injured and saved!

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