Chapter 5

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Steve POV:

Black, that's the only thing I remember. I thought I was stabbed but the blackout must mean a drug. But I haven't opened my eyes yet. I am afraid of who ill see. I know Chin was in the car so it wont be him. Its between Kono and Danny, and I don't know who I'd rather see.

Oh well. I peel my eyes open and to my horror its Kono. We are both in the same position facing each other. Adam was the mysterious cop killer, and I lead Kono right to him! If we had just saved this for another day shed be safe.

We both are hanging from the ceiling. Wrists in handcuffs attached to the cement. I had a feeling we were underground because it was freezing. But where I was wearing jeans and a sweater, Kono was wearing a club dress. Just great.

In mid thought I look for marks of Kono. I could see no needle entry on her arm so how had they drugged her. That was when I realized they didn't. I could see the blood now dripping from her skull. It didn't look like a fatal blow just one that would knock her out. Even better.

The only hope I had left was that Danny had saw us get taken and they were coming. But my mind knew it was never that simple.

Chin POV:

It had almost been an hour and I hadn't heard one word from Kono or the guys. I don't know why but I was relived when Danny came out into the parking lot. It was short lived when I saw he was alone.

I opened the window and saw the weirdest look on his face. "Steve is gone and I cant find Kono or Adam. There were two guys in suits and one of them disappeared when Steve did. However when I went to look for him Kono and Adam were gone too."

He was lucky or else I would have stopped him at 'konos missing'. I was speechless. Somebody had to know we were coming tonight.

"Danny how did they know you and Steve were here, we told nobody?" I asked and something tell me he knew the answer and it wasn't good.

"Adam probably still had his com that connected to the rest of the team. I think he was listening in, and also I think he mainly wanted Steve because he was the first to disappear." He said worriedly. We both knew the people we cared about most were alone, and probably didn't have much longer.

Steve POV:

Dam Adam! I thought sourly. I was boiling in rage until it turned to worry. The door to our torture room was being opened and Kono still hadn't woken up. But maybe that is for the best, she wouldn't have to worry.

I am not at all surprised when Adam walks through that door. Even though he looks the same physically he carries himself much differently. Gone is the man who was kind and loving but now he looks like a copycat of Wo Fat. Now I am scared, when he turns to Kono and laughs.

This part is for tomorrow which I probably wont upload so enjoy! Also do you want me to update over thanksgiving it will probably only be this and NCIS because those are easiest.

Kono POV:

I feel myself get slapped. But I refuse to open my eyes. I know Adam will be there and there is a good chance Steve is to. But I cant bare to look at them. The slap is harder this time so I finally give in and open my eyes. As soon as I do I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head, remembering I was hit.

I was right and me and Steve are in the same position. Dangling. Adam laughs but then I remember this is not my husband, he is Satan.

"Kono, Kono, Kono, do you have anything to say my dear?" he asks smiling a stupid grin. I look at Steve who looks back clearly worried about me.

"I want a divorce." I say and spit a mouthful of blood at him. Bulls eye! It hits him right in the face. I would laugh but I have no air left after he elbows me hard in the stomach. Steve's face is full of anger. If he could punch Adam right now he definitely would. Whether we were married or not.

"So Steve as you might assume I have some questions for you, but not answering will only cause dear Kono pain." He looks at me and I shake my head no. He nods because the information he wants, ten cops died to protect it. Not even for me would Steve give that up.

I really hope that's the case.

Steve POV:

I would not cooperate. Kono was right I cant give up information even for her. No matter what he does I have to keep my cool.

"Steve where does Officer Danny's family live?" he asked.

"I would never tell you that!" I yell because to him its the only way I can communicate. I expect I response but all I get is him making a long cut across Konos stomach. She doesn't scream, she just winces. Because Kono has been through a lot more than we have.

Adam looks at her in surprise and raises his eyebrows as if to say want to try again?   All I can muster up is shaking my head no. He doesn't bother with the cut this time. He just stabs her hard in the like. She screams because that is much worse than a cut.  It is by far the worst sound I have ever heard.

I scream her name on instinct but instantly wish I could take it back. I am not supposed to reveal her as my weakness, I am supposed to act like her screams don't effect me. Kono ends up not hearing me and whimpers as a response.

"I swear to god Adam Ill kill you." I snap. Now blood is gushing from her thigh. His only response is a laugh before he walks out of the room.

I turn to Kono and neither of us can speak. I don't know how much longer Ill be able to do this, no I don't know how much longer Kono can be able to do this.

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