Chapter 6

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Steve POV:

Well burning her was bad enough. Now I can't see what happens to her. Adam was signaled in by Wo Fat and he hit her hard on the head. She blacked out and they're starting to undo her chains.

"What are you doing with her!?" I ask him. There is no point in me trying to hide my feelings for her. My screaming probably gave that away.

"You see, you being here makes her hold in some of her pain. Now, she could always tell us but this is fun for me to watch. You are getting hurt more today then you ever have been. Kono is your weakness, your Achilles heel. Now she doesn't know where you are or what you have told us, and lets say you... died" He finally stops and I realize Kono won't be able to see or hear me.

I am speechless probably for the first time in a while. He notices this and laughs.

Then my world goes black as well.

Danny POV:

My two best friends are kidnapped. No my FAMILY is gone. Chin is running a search on the plates.

"I GOT THEM!" Chin screams and by the time I can comprehend what he said he is already out the door. I immediately follow.

The car ride there consists of me making the plan of how everyone should enter. When we get there the plan is immediately put into action.

We break down the door, considering it's an old warehouse. We go into the first four rooms and there is dead bodies in each of them. None of them were female and none of them had tattoos. The reason why we had to check for that was because all of their faces had been burned off.

Cause of death most likely. I looked to Chin and he nodded in agreement. There was one door left, our last chance.

When it was opened I didn't have a clear view of the door but Chin did. All I heard was his sharp intake of breath to know what he found wasn't good. I look in the door and gasp despite myself.

There was Steve hanging off the ground by his arms in chains. He wasn't moving and there was Wo Fat with a gun in his hands. I held it up to his head and my instinct made me shoot him. Right in the chest, goodbye Wo Fat. But where was Kono and Adam, all we could see was a large puddle of blood where Konos chains were. Chin broke down crying, and Steve opened his eyes.

"Adam took her away in a truck." Is the last thing he said before he blacked out again.

The rest of the storys are coming later, I have target practice.

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