Chapter 32

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2 weeks later

Kono POV:

A week ago Chin came to my house. I knew Steve would have to tell him  sense only family members could fill out a report. Luckily he said he understood and left it alone. I finally got to go back to work today and I was super excited.

Steve was always acting weird lately and Danny was giving him this look. I had no idea what was going on. I hoped it had something to do with me though. I really do like him now, I am not sure why though.

I get into my car and look at the time. I checked my phone and saw that we had no cases. I decided to re-route to the beach while I called Chin.

"Sup cuz?" He answered just like I thought he would.

"Hey we don't have any cases right?" I asked turning onto the freeway, knowing it was a no.

"No, why?" He asked. Knew it.

"Nothing, I'm going to head to the beach to surf for awhile." I said. Before I could ask if he wanted to join he said,

"Lucky, I'm stuck with paper work. But have fun though." He said with a laugh.

"Thanks." I said smiling. I'm super happy he just decided to let the whole Adam thing go. He really is the best cousin ever.

"No prob, I'll come pick you up if we have a case." He said and I could hear he hung up. It was ok though, there was nothing left for me to say.

Steve POV

Chin left the Adam thing alone, which meant I didn't get my butt kicked by Kono. Danny wouldn't stop giving me these looks and I knew Kono noticed them. I wanted to kick his butt.

"Steve?" Chin called out from his office.

"What's up?" I said walking through the door. He just put his phone down.

"Kono is going surfing so if we get a case I'll pick her up." He said and I smiled. I looked and saw we had matching smiles.

"I'm glad she is getting some she-time." I say, as I'm about to walk back out, he calls me back.

"She needs someone like you, don't be afraid to tell her." He said and waved me off.

I left the office feeling happy that Chin was ok with my feelings for Kono. It made me reassured in some weird way.

Just a little filler chapter! Hope you enjoyed. This book might be coming to an end soon, not quite sure yet!

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