Chapter 2

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Chin POV:

So a long car drive later we find ourselves inside on a beautiful day.

Kono begins to debrief us "So three woman have all been kidnapped and murdered near Kailua. All of them have either been a cop or been in a relationship with one. Then there are five male cops who have been kidnapped and murdered. All of them were murdered five days apart and the last murder was four days ago."

What we were all thinking was that tomorrow another cop would go missing.

"So we need to find whoever did this within the next six days or else someone else will die?" Danny asks most likely a little worried.

"Yes Danny that is the question we already know the answer to." Steve replies sharply. I need to get him alone and get him to talk because something is definitely bothering him. I already have an idea about what it is when he looks at Kono a little worried.  "Any suspects yet." he continues.

"Well as much as I hate to say this all this men and woman knew or were Adams partners, which means he is either a suspect or the next victim, I believe it to be the first one. So I decided that I'm going to pretend to be ill and I'll see where he goes and when for the next couple of days."

I already have another suggestion. "If you do this you might become a victim, so I want you to have a com in at all times Kono, no matter the circumstance, and don't mention this to him." I say because it seems its the only thing I can do for her at this point.

Steve looks at me and shakes his head. "Kono I don't know how I feel about this, even with a com in, if he finds out what you're doing I don't think even Adam would turn himself in. Hed kill you before you got to us."

"I know but it is the only plan we've got. I will stay connected at all times," she says whilst putting in a com "and I will check in all the time." And just like that she's gone.

Kono POV:

I will admit I'm kind of worried. In fact, I am a lot worried. As much as I want to deny it I know Adam is a strong suspect. But why wait this long to do something. He would know that I would eventually  be notified at the office. I got home and he is already at the door.

"Kono why are you home I thought you had a case?" He asks and now I can tell he is worried. Not for my sake but for his.

"I got sick at the office and the case turned out to be a cold one so they let me come home." By they  we both know I meant Steve. God I wish he were here id be a lot more confident in this plan.

"I am just going to go upstairs and get some rest." I say but he stops me and for a moment Im scared.

"Yeah because tonight we are going clubbing since you don't have a case." He says and I already have an excuse on deck.

"Did you not just here me Adam I am not feeling well" and I wrench myself from his grasp.

"If you go with me tonight I promise I will never EVER bug you about it again.

"What about tomorrow," I say wondering now why it HAD to be tonight.

"No we have to go tonight there is a sale on drinks." He reply's "Beside I can tell when your lying you don't actually feel sick." he whispers right next to me ear.

"Fine Ill go tonight but I still want to rest." and I walk upstairs very afraid of what's to come tonight. Then I hear noise in my ear and realize its Steve.

"Don't worry we will be there ready, nothing will happen to you." I know I should thank him but that just isn't my style.

"Yeah you better." Then I walk into my room and create a plan for tonight.

Not going to lie SO PROUD OF THIS CHAPTER! My writing is on fleek. Comment what you think is going to happen. This will be updated tomorrow so you wont have to wait long for this one.

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