Chapter 22 (Happy 500!)

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Steve POV:

I woke up and memories slowly came back to me.  Memories of Kono flat lining and Adam and falling down. Chin running over to me and screaming for help. That's when it all went black. I still could barely remember. I saw Chin sitting in the chair to my right, Danny was nowhere to be seen.

"Chin, where is Danny?" I asked him. His head popped up and got up so quickly he probably got dizzy.

"Oh my god Steve, uh Danny went to go check on Kono, she woke up yesterday. She is still kind of fuzzy though." He said. Wait yesterday, how long have I been asleep. It doesn't matter at least Kono is awake.

"How long was I out, and when can I see her?" I asked him. He sighed and looked at me.

"You were out for 3 days and you can't see her until your cleared. You forgot about your injuries from the first time we saved you, and you sustained some minor injuries the time after that apparently weren't so minor." Oh yeah, I forgot I was injured.  

"Sorry Chin' I said at his mad stare 'I guess I was running on pure adrenaline the whole time and I didn't even noticed" I lied. I had known I was hurt since the moment we got to the hospital, but at the moment Kono was much  more important.

I gave him a sad, apologetic gaze and it worked. I didn't want to be one of the many names on Chins bad side. Especially since I like his cousin. I definitely did not want to be another Adam.

Kono POV:

When I'd woken up the first thing I saw were 4 guards stationed inside and outside of my room. I wonder if Adam had resurfaced. Wouldn't surprise me at this point. As soon as I had opened my eyes a nurse came running up to me asking if I was ok.

"What happened?" I barely mumbled. I wouldn't be surprised if she had super hearing because she was able to hear me when I could barely hear myself.

"Dear you had a seizure, but you are now stable." She smiled politely. But there was something else there, sadness? I had no idea but I had to talk somebody I knew I could trust. I don't think I could afford to take risks anymore.

"Um could you please grab a member of my team and bring them to me" I asked her. She nodded and quickly scurried out the door. I wondered how long I had been out, because she seemed very nervous and on edge.

But what surprised me more was who she got. I was honestly expecting Chin or Steve but it was Danny who came into my room. He smiled at me shyly. I always had considered Danny as a brother. He could get protective but not too much. It was the other two that had problems being protective.

"Hey Danny, where is everyone else?" I asked. His smile faltered a little but he quickly re-adjusted himself. Something told me that he didn't want me to ask that question. I had a bad feeling bubbling in my stomach.

"Steve is also in the hospital and Chin had to stay with him." He said simply giving me a sad smile.

"Wait what happened to Steve?" I asked very anxious. He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows. He calmed down when I gave him the look a mother gives her bad child.

"Turns out our marine friends 'minor injuries' weren't so minor." He said straight faced. But there was something else in his eyes.

"Ok and what else?"

"He also hadn't slept in days, he was dehydrated, and had very high stress levels."

"Why were they high?"

"Uh you don't want to know."

"Uh yeah I do" I said. I was not going to give this up. I had high security for a reason.

"Ugh fine, Adam came into the hospital and held your doctor at gunpoint. He said he wouldn't shoot him if the doctor gave the news up on how you were doing. Once he did he walked us to the front of the building where a car was waiting. He shot the doctor dead and got away."

I could barely breath. So Adam did know I was alive. Danny still looked like he was hiding something but I let it go. I could barely take the news I'd just received. I didn't know if I could take any more news.

After spending an hour with me the nurse came in and said that visiting hours were up and that he had to leave.

Once he had left the nurse gave me sedatives to help with the pain and to help me sleep. Obviously something I needed since Steve wasn't around at the moment to keep me calm.

Not even the sedatives helped. I woke up feeling like I was being strangled by a rope.

In the dream Steve was across from me already dead. I looked across the room and Chin was there screaming for Adam to stop. My memories went back to all the great times I had with Adam.

The nurses came rushing in asking what I needed. There was one word I could think of.


Adam POV:

After I left the hospital I realized I could've easily gotten to Kono. My phone rings and I know before I look at the ID that its the boss. We had the whole team fooled. How could they possibly think that Wo Fat was able to run an operation like this. For an operation this important the leader had to not only be smart but be close to everyone on the team.

"I saw that you did not fulfill your task." They asked impatiently.

"It won't happen again but I need more time to let her get used to being alone again. That's when we will strike again." I said impatiently. I mean sure the boss had A LOT of experience out in the field but its so annoying to have to deal with that doosh Steve.

"Even though that was not the original plan I will let you do what you must. But if you're annoyed with Steve just remember I had to deal with him for a lot longer then you will have to if you get the job done, and..."

"Yes sir?"

"Steve is mine when this whole project is over." The phone line went dead.

Man I hate the boss.

I know I didn't think it would get this many reads so fast but it was 1075 words so your welcome. Next chapter was going to be the eventful one so I will also make that one 1000 words too. I PROMISE SKONO WILL BE COMING SOON! I have just not had a lot of time to write and I didn't want to rush things. Also comment who you think the boss is, and why do they want Steve?

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