Chapter 34

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Steve POV:

It had been 2 weeks since my date with Kono. Everything went so well and she agreed to be my girlfriend. Now I have an excuse to stay away Catherine. I know if she does something to me, well, Kono will beat the shit out of her.

Chin had approved and Danny wouldn't stop teasing ME! That's right, he NEVER teased Kono. Probably because Chin would kill him. I was sitting at my desk when Chin came in the room.

"We have a case boss," Chin said looking nervous, "It has to do with Adam." I look up from my paperwork at last.

"Does Kono know?" I ask standing up and heading out of the office. Chin puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me back.

"She's the one who called me, Danny's already there." He says and starts walking towards the door.

"Is Kono there?" I ask once we get outside. He looked at me.

"She's there all right, so is bomb squad and fifty cop cars evacuating the area." He said with a grimace. "It's always Kono isn't it." he says and gets into the car, with me following right behind him.

Once we are in the car and almost there he describes the situation to me.

"Remember that time I was in the town with the motion triggered bomb strapped to my chest?" He asks and I nod, "Kind of the same thing. Kono managed to get her phone out and call the station, apparently Adam did it." He said and parked. Instantly we run out of the car and spot Danny talking with other cops.

"What's going on?" I ask. He looks up and so do I. In the middle of the street Kono was laying on her back in a weird position.  She looked calm for the most part, just bored.

"Whatever Chin told you is all we know. We do know that she was rear-ended. Kono said Adam dragged her out of the car and knocked her unconscious. That's really it." He said not stating the obvious.

Adam is back, and he went straight for the target. There was no dancing around it like last time. He is way more vicious.

"How is Kono taking it?" Chin asked, caring about his cousins emotions.

"I think she is more pissed than upset. She is mad at herself for getting in this situation." Danny said looking back at her. I know Danny feels like he is her older brother, so this is hitting hard for everyone.

"A situation we can't get her out of." Chin said. This is the same type of bomb they used on him last time, and we got him out of that by paying ransom money. I am pretty sure that is not what Adam wants.

 "We can't even go talk to her because there is one around her vocal chords." Danny said, then I instantly got confused.

"How could she contact the police if she couldn't talk, and how do we know it was Adam?" I asked and Danny looked at me. He pointed to a middle aged woman standing with some cops.

"Kono typed it in and the woman called the police. This happened at about six in the morning based on the traffic cameras." Danny told us. That's why it took so long for her to contact us.

I don't know what to do because there is honestly no way out of this one.

"I want to take a look at the bomb." I say and start walking past them. If it is exactly like Chin's then I can disable it. I figured it out after it was disengaged last time.

Kono is still laying there with her eyes closed. I got very scared and thought she was hurt, and then I realized that the sun is shining right in her face. That has got to be annoying.

Looking at the bomb I know I am correct. In fact, I'm to correct. This is the EXACT same bomb on Chin. I know that because the guy who made the bomb put his signature on it. There it is, but you can tell someone tried to get rid of it.

"Kono." I say very carefully trying not to make her jump. She opens her eyes and I know what Danny was talking about. There is no tears, no sadness, just disappointment.

"I can take this off, I know how to. Will you let me?" I ask her and I look down at her hands. She gives the sign for 'go' and I go to get the supplies.

"I can take it off." I say grabbing the box. "It is the same bomb that was on you Chin, I mean exact same." I tell him.

"Do it, but be careful." he yells because I am already over there. Her eyes are closed again but I don't blame her. The sun is shining so bright today.

After a few careful observations I finally see the wire I want to cut. The blue one for sure. I put the scissors up to it and cut.

All the lights on her chest and neck stop strobing and they turn off. I sigh of relief and sit back down.

"You're good Kono, it's off." I say loud enough that all the cops can hear. Chin and Danny run over to us and start helping her take the stuff off. Once all of it is off she actually jumps up and hugs me. She kisses me on my cheek and I smile.

Then we have our first kiss in front of 70 people. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! There was a lot of action in that one.

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