Chapter 18

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Steve POV:

I had to leave. As much as I didn't want to leave her alone I had to go. I was sorry but I had to go after Adam, alone. If I brought members of my team they could get hurt. I was almost to the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" I hear chin ask. I turn around and he looks worried as well he should be.

"Cofee." I soon as I say it I know he doesn't believe me. But if he was smart he'd let me go.

"You know I would help you in any way I can but Steve, going after Adam isn't going to solve anything. He is like a roach you won't be able to find him now that he doesn't have anybody with him. We estimate he has two men left. If and when he resurfaces we will be able to wipe him out." I start to walk away again, and once again he stops me.

"Don't do something you cant take back, think about how this will effect Kono."

I couldn't help but stop. Maybe Chin was right, maybe I was thinking this through to fast. It didn't matter though we were going to end up going after Adam sooner or later. But Chin has a point. Kono is going to need all the protection she can get.

Kono POV:

I was in a lot of pain. Awhile ago Chin walked out and he hasn't come back yet. Steve left awhile ago too. I looked at Danny and he looked at me. I wanted him to go out and look for him but I knew he would never. His instructions were to stay with me.

Adam was still no where and I still lived in fear. I didn't know if or when he was going to come. But he probably would end up coming later. I heard he doesn't have very many men left. Finally after what seemed like forever the boys come back in.

Chin looks at Steve and so do I. He looks like he wants to murder someone. Probably Adam unless a nurse pissed him off. He sits down and I feel like I have to break the silence.

"So any news on Adam." Talking still hurts a little. At Adams name Steve tenses up and Chin moves to block the door. But nobody answers my question. I realize now why Chin is doing what he is doing. I bet Steve was going to go after Adam but Chin stopped him.

Suddenly I have that feeling of worry again. I cant think straight. I hear the heart monitor beating but it seems a thousand miles away. I cant see anymore either. All I see now is darkness.

I know you hate me. But hopefully I will stop procrastinating and actually update. I have decided to drag this one out and we'll see if that leaves any room for a sequel or a h=whole new book entirely. Anyway thanks for reading.

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