Chapter 20

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Okay so basically I have an important announcement! PLZ READ THIS! I just came out with a new book that I am writing by myself. I found out that a book I wrote in 2012 still has potential and have decided to finish it. It is an original so it would mean THE WORLD to me if you just peeked at the first two chapters. I am really nervous about doing an original so support would be really nice. Without further ado the resolution.

Chin POV:

When Steve pulled me back I got very angry with him. Why would he do that! After a few words were exchanged between us and the doctors I finally agreed to leave with him.

After two hours Steve had decided to go up and ask for any new info on Kono.

"Why hello Chin." A voice said. a voice I knew so well, and hated so much. I looked up at Adam and so did Danny.

"You have some nerve coming here," I stand up and so does Danny. But as soon as I do Konos doctor comes out to give an update. Before He can even say anything Adam draws his gun on him. Now I try to run forward but Danny holds me back.

"What is going on?" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Steve standing there. Danny and I both try to get him to leave but he just looks past us.

"Well look who finally decided to show up." Adam says with a laugh. Steve drops his coffee and his eyes narrow until he finally sees the whole situation. The doctor is shaking in fear. Who wouldn't be with a gun drawn to their head.

"So doctor what is the news with Kono?" Adam asks. The doctor had no choice but to answer.

"Um she had a seizure and flat lined once but s-she is s-stable." He mutters. She was going to be fine. Thank god. I look to Steve who is relived as well but it is short lived.

"Alright everybody listen' He Shouts ' You are going to let me out of this hospital or the doctor dies. All I wanted to know was her condition and Steve if you EVER come after me, and trust me I will know, I will come back for her, and this time she WILL die."

We watch helplessly as he drags the doctor to the entrance, people muttering the whole time. I just want to yell at them to shut up. A car pulls up to the entrance, Before we can react Adam shoots the doctor and gets in the car. It drives away completely unreachable now.

I feel for a pulse on the poor doctor. I shake my head and Steve and Danny turn away unable to bear the sight. We could never go after him or else we would be shooting Kono.

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