Chapter 21

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Steve POV:
It all happened so fast. You couldn't have done anything. These thoughts run through my head like a train, one minute they're there the next they're gone. Kind of like Kono in an awful sort of way. Chin has still barely recovered. After the doctor was shot Kono became critical and they couldn't do anything without the doctor. They managed to stabilize her but it still isn't looking good. We are just all hoping that Kono will pull through.
Danny POV:
Man oh god. These last few days I don't think we have slept a wink. China worry will probably keep him up. I've been sitting next to him ever since the Adam incident and he hasn't spoken. He sits there with his head in his hands, not moving an inch. After they stabilized her he looked a little less worried, but still worried. We are all just hoping she'll make it.
Chin POV:
I couldn't speak. I was afraid that if I did I'd break into tears. It's so awful that this happened. I still wanted to kill Adam but I know that if I did Kono would be in danger... again. I don't think that Steve and I could take it. I haven't gotten a chance to speak with Steve yet, but when I do I know I need to reassure him. As best as I can. He is my best friend and he did nothing wrong. Steve walks down the hallway half covered in blood from when he was tortured and then tortured again, and the new blood is from when he tried reviving the doctor. On any other day Danny and I would make fun of him for smelling. But we can't because he only smells like blood anymore and because we wouldn't for obvious reasons. He looked a little dizzy and off-centered. Then I remember that he hasn't really eaten or slept since Kono went missing. I notice and get up and catch him as he falls. I call for help and Danny is awakened from his man-slumber that he said he so desperately needed. Not two seconds later nurses come bursting in and give him an IV. They wheel him off into a room and give him sedatives. Throughout all this awfulness not one word was exchanged between any of us.

Hey so yeah this is from my phone so I apologize. Thanks for sticking with this book if you have. Also I'd like to remind you I have a new book out and I really want to try to make it good so plz go and read that. Also I see we are getting kinda close to 500 reads!!! Whenever that happens you can assume that there is going to be an extra special chapter out. Like 1000 words special? Yes that special.

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