Chapter 14

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Double update!

Steve POV:

"Fine just don't hurt her!" I scream trying to make it as realistic as I can. It works when he smiles.

I sigh "312 Greenway Drive" and I close my eyes. I used my house address. Just incase he decided to look it up.  "I assume you don't need Chins?" I question. He already knows Chins address.

He laughs "No I don't but now I want yours." he says with a grin.

"My house is vacant, I live alone." I say because it's true.

"Really not even a ... roommate."

"Nope, well, Danny comes and stays sometimes but he's outside." I say with a frown.

He only looks at me. "Thank you and goodbye." He stabs Kono in the leg anyway.

I scream at him as he walks over the door and slams it shut. I crawl over to Kono and keep pressure on the wound.

Chin POV:

As soon as the trucks leave we rush in. We cut off the cell service in the prison that way they couldn't contact Adam.

We burst in and start shooting. Thanks to the camera I know exactly where Kono and Steve are.

Then we encounter a wall of guards. They start shooting and I quickly push Danny out of the way. He nods his head and thanks and I nod back. When they start refilling their chambers we shoot them down.

We start running to where our friends are. I'll finally get Kono back.

Kono POV:

I wake up to intense pain. I remember what Adam did to me after the men left and I begin to sob. I warm hand is placed on my shoulder, and I don't want to wake up. I know it will be Adam who stands there. Just waiting to do it to me again.

"Kono?" An urgent voice says. I realize it's not Adam so I open my eyes. I start crying again when I see Steve standing there. He hugs me and an intense pain fills my uninjured leg. I start whimpering and realize Steve is keeping pressure on it.

My head falls back onto the ground. It would have hurt me if I hadn't gone through what I just went through. My stomach aches from the burns and the cut, and my mouth feels so sore. I can't even ask him why he's here.

I can only focus on him. I want to tell him how I feel, but decide against it. Not knowing when Adam will show up again.

The door bursts open and I flinch away. Scared he'll make Steve watch what he did to me. But relief floods through my body when I see my cousin standing there with Danny. I see them running towards me when I pass out. This time I want to stay asleep.

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