Chapter 25

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AN- I am so sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks. I hit a really bad point in my life and I just couldn't find any reason to write and be happy. But taking a couple weeks off has helped and I am just happy to be at it again.

Kono POV

They took there guns and I knew they had given up. The man had told me somebody sent him and I could only assume that friend was Adam. But I thought he was in the wind. He did tell Steve that he wouldn't attack us if we didn't look for him. I don't know about the other guys but I wasn't going to take that chance.

He had his men tie down Steve, Chin, and Danny to a separate leg of the built in table. The man dragged me into Steve's office and slammed me down on the desk and shut Steve's blinds.

(AN this is a little gross and even I'm disgusted by this.)

He began to take off his clothing and I started to get up. I knew where Steve kept the spare gun in his office. In the middle of his stripping I punched him hard and grabbed the gun. I pointed it at his head when four other men came into the office. One of them shot my hand and much to my dismay the gun fell out of my other hand.

They all grabbed me and slammed me on the floor. I screamed.

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