1~Freshman year

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~Freshman year~

*Kaylia's POV*

I walk in the classroom, staring at my feet. I was the last one here. Great. I took a seat next to this brunette boy. The english teacher was trying to prepare herself, while the boy talked to his friend behind him. I pulled out my notebook and started drawing.

"Hey." The boy made me jump. "Hi.." I reply in a hushed voice, as if we were in a library. "That's a really great drawing." He says and I look up. He was serious. "I guess it's okay.." I closed my notebook. "Are you serious? That's better than anything I can do!" He smiles at me. "Thanks." I smile at him. The english teacher starts rambling on about what's going on this year.

"Kaylia!" My Sophomore friend, Mia screamed and walked up to me. "What?" I ask as I open my locker. "Logan was checking you out earlier!" She squealed. I made a disgusted face. "I'm a freshman, Mia." I get my books and look at her. "So? Anyways, I have to go to class. Bye!" She waved. I waved back.

I go to Art and sit down at a table. Finally, a class I love. The boy from earlier came in and sat next to me. "Hey, I never got a name." He smiled at me. "Kaylia." I reply. "Kaylia Vega." I held my hand out. "Shawn." He replied. "Shawn Mendes." He shook my hand.

"Well Mendes, be prepared for the worst years ever; high school!" I laugh and he laughs along. Art flew by, and surprisingly so did geometry. When I walk out of class I see Shawn again. "You take geometry?!" He asks. "Yeah.." I reply. "Wow. What can't you do." He mumbled to himself, surprised. "You're turning all sophomore on me already." "Well I do have a sophomore friend." I laugh. "They grow up so fast!" He fake cries as we walk to my locker.

"You're such a dork!" I laugh. He smiles. "Who's this?" Mia comes up from behind me. "Mia, Shawn. Shawn, Mia." I put my books in my locker. "Well, I'm going to the library for lunch, you coming?" Mia asks and I shrug. "I'm good." I deny. Shawn and I go to Taco Bell for lunch. We ordered and then waited for a while.

"So, Vega. Tell me about yourself." He looked at me, eating his burrito. "Well, Mendes. I'm not the most fun person you ever met, I'm pretty boring." I admitted. "Oh really?" He asks. I took a sip of my Baja blast. "Yup. My favorite singer is Ed sheeran, my favorite color is blue,I have a brother named Josh, I draw, and I'm boring." I finish. "Oh and sometimes I sing. I can also play guitar." I add.

"Nice." He smiles at me. "How about you Mendes, anything interesting?" I smirk and take one of his nachos. "I love Ed Sheeran, I sing and play guitar, I love muffins, and I hate tomatoes." He looked up at me. "Same. I hate tomatoes." I make a disgusted face. He laughed.

We walked back to the school and went to our next class. Shawn and I have a lot of classes together. Last period was music. We really just had to introduce ourselves. After school Shawn and I started walking. "You walk the same way?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply.

"So, you're a scorpio huh?" He asks looking at me. "How do you know?" I ask. That's weird. "Your bracelet." He replied. I looked at it and smiled. "Oh yeah."

My dad got me the bracelet when I was five. It was before he left. He left for a reason, or that's what my mom keeps telling me. She always told me he went to the army. But wouldn't he come back by now?

Here I am now, 14, Freshman, straight A's. I'm pretty proud of myself. We ended up at my house and I stopped. "Home not-so-sweet home!" I joke and he smiles. "Wait, this is your house?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply. "I live right there." He points to the third house down the street from mine. "Well hello neighbor!" I laugh. "Here. Have my number, so we can text and stuff." He took my phone and punched his number in. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye" He waved and walked to his house.

I stood there. He really just gave me his number. Wow. I smile and walk in. "How was your first day bubble?" My mom asks. "Good!" I smile. Josh walks up to me. "So you walked home today? I was waiting for you." He crossed his arms. "I wouldn't want to bother you and your friends." I reply as I walk up the stairs and into my room.

I put on the nightmare before christmas and lay down. "Kay!" Josh yells up to me. "What?" I reply annoyed. "Do you want some burger king?" He asks and my eyes shoot open. "Yes!" I run down the stairs. "Normal order?" He asks and I nod. I sit on the couch and decide to text Shawn.

To: Mendes 👍😄😆😋- Hey Mendes, you got a guitar?

From: Mendes👍😄😆😋- Yeah, do you?

To: Mendes👍😄😆😋- Yeah.. Jam session?

From: Mendes👍😄😆😋-Open your door!

I smile and make my way to the door. "Hey!" He smiles and walks in with his guitar. "Come on." I walk upstairs with him. "Mom a friend is over!" I yell. "Okay!" She replies. I grab my guitar and he sits down. "What song first?" I ask. "Do you know counting stars?" He asks. "Is that even a question? I love that song!" I reply, smiling. "Well let's start with that." He replies.

(A/N): Hii! First chapter! Do you like it? Make sure to vote and comment! Bya!

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