3~Junior year

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~Junior year~

*Shawn's POV*

"Kay." I said for the tenth time. She was staring at her phone. "Kay." I say even more annoyed. "What Shawn?" Did she just call me Shawn? "What's up with you?" I scoff. "What?" She asks annoyed. "I told you he was going to break your heart. But no! Shawn's always wrong, right?" I scoff.

Cameron asked her out on a date, never came or texted her, and just went on a date with Jessica. I've tried supporting her, but she just pushes me away.

"See I knew you were going to do this!" She started crying. "I know, I know, you're right!" She cried. I pulled  her close into my chest and let her cry. "I'm sorry, Kay." I rub her back. "I promise I'll never leave you alone." I kiss her forehead.


I hook up my camera and start to do a video. Kay was in the back watching. She's been in a couple videos,the fans got used to her. I sang an original song this time. It's called life of the party.

After I turned the camera off she smiled, looking at fan art. "These people love you, Mendes." She smiles. "Well, I'm quite the ladies man." I joke and she laughs. "Yeah you are." She laughed. She looked at her drawing of me and her smile faded. "Do you think I'll ever get into a good college?" She looked at me seriously.

"Are you serious? You're the best artist ever!" I exclaim. "I don't know.." She fiddles with her fingers. "You can do anything,Kay." I move close to her. She looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I started leaning in. She did too.

Then, our lips touched. It was fireworks- no. It was more than fireworks. I quickly pull away. "I'm so sorry." I avoided eye contact. "I-It's okay." She stuttered. After a really long awkward silence she spoke. "I should get going." She stands up and hugs me goodbye. "See you tomorrow Vega." I smile. "You too Mendes!" She shuts my room door. Fuck.

*Kaylia's POV*

He kissed me. I knew he liked me! That's not a bad thing either. When I got home I walked up to my room and smiled. I never actually knew how I felt towards Shawn. I knew I had feelings towards him, but I didn't know they were this strong.

What am I thinking!? He pulled away so he obviously doesn't feel that way. It was a stupid mistake. Of course it was a mistake. It always is.

I look at the camera Shawn got me and think. A YouTube channel wouldn't be that bad. I know Shawn's password. I can just post a video there. Just for fun.


"So tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll cause I can't control myself. I don't wanna stay I wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell, and it hurts in my head, and my heart, and my chest and I'm having trouble catching my breath, oh, oh, won't you please stop loving me to death!"

I finish my cover of voodoo doll by 5 seconds of summer. I upload it to Shawn's YouTube channel with the caption 'Surprise! Voodoo doll cover by Kaylia Vega!'

I lay down and watch the comment section flood. Shawn texts me.

'From:Mendes😎-Nice cover 😂 but next time ask you ninja!'

'To: Mendes😎 It was out of boredom. I think they liked me too!'

I check my twitter to see more followers than usual. I mean, I was already known by Shawn's fans, but not like this. I got a call from Shawn.

"Do you see that?! The fans love your voice!" He exclaimed. "Oh stop, you're making me blush Mendes." I laugh. "That's the first and last cover I'm posting." I smile and he laughs. "Go to sleep you singer!" He hangs up and I look at the time. It was 11 PM. I drifted off to sleep.


"Summer break!" I scream as Shawn picks me up and runs out of the school. As we walked home we talked about all we were going to do this summer. But He seemed quiet about it.

*Shawn's POV*

How am I going to tell her? Magcon is a pretty big thing and me joining it is the start of my dream. But I don't want to leave her. I love her.

When we got to her house we watched movies and ate popcorn. "I wish that I had a soulmate like that." She speaks up. We were watching if I stay. "What do you mean? You got one right here." I whisper. These last few months have been confusing. I don't know what Kay and I are at this point.

"Oh really?" She asks. "Y-Yeah." I reply. I catch myself leaning in but didn't stop. We kissed, until I pull away. "I can't do this." I mumble. I can't fall in love with her. I'm leaving. "What?" She asks.

I told her the whole story about magcon. She looked hurt but acted excited. "If you don't want me to go,I won't." I spoke up after a minute of watching a new movie. "You need to live your dream Shawn." She replies. "Well, I'm leaving in two days." I hug her tight. "T-Two days?" She asks. I let her cry into my shoulder as we hug for a long time.

I'm going to miss this.

"I promise I won't forget about you.. Okay?" I rub her back. "Okay." She sniffles.

(A/N): HEYYY my birthday was monday :) /nov. 21st\ I had so much fun!!! But anyways make sure to vote and comment! Byaa

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