24~Can I be him?

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~Can I be him?~

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up hearing a guitar strumming. I open my eyes to see Shawn at my desk writing on a loose leaf paper. "Take a peice of my heart, and make it all your own," He pauses and stops strumming his guitar. "So when we are apart, you'll never be alone." He states. He writes it down.

I get up out of bed and creep up behined him. I put my hands on his shoulders and yell "Boo!" He jumps and I laugh. "Good morning." He smiles. I go and brush my teeth then walk back to my room. "Sorry, I made a mess. I just got inspired." He cleans up the tiny mess.

"It's totally fine." I reply. We sit in silence for a minute. "I love you." He blurts out. My eyes widen a little. "Uh, me too." I get up. He chuckles awkwardly. "Well, let's go wake Cam up and make breakfast, yeah?" I walk downstairs.

I wake Cameron up and make bacon and eggs with toast. "Smells good." Shawn sits at the island with Cam. "Good. Eat up." I state and eat my food. I end up putting cream cheese on my toast.

It is not weird.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks. "It tastes good." I answer. "That's weird." He giggles. "No it is not!" I defend. "Try it." I hand him the cream cheese. He just take a bite of mine. Cameron gets curious and puts some on his toast. "Wow. That is good." Shawn smiles.

"I told you." I giggle. "Oh, whatever." He replies. Shawn throws a piece of bacon at me. I glare at him playfully and smear cream cheese on his face. "Oh, it's on Vega." He smirks.

"No!" Cam screams. We start throwing food everywhere. Cam joins in and then we all stop. "Shit." I state. "We need to clean this up." I groan. Then we all burst out laughing again. As we clean, we sing and dance along to my Spotify playlist.

One of Shawn's songs come on and I get red. "You listen to my songs?" He smiles. "No." I skip the song. After cleaning, we get ready and go to the mall.

We walk into Staples for our school supplies. As I pick out my things, Shawn stares at me, biting his lips. "Stop, you creep." I giggle. "I can't look away." He smirks. I fake a laugh. "No." I state. After staples, we go to forever 21 to get bags.

While shopping, I grab some clothes and scurry to the changing room. "Oh, come on!" Cam groans. Shawn snickers. 'Can I be Him' by James Arthur comes on and I sing along. "This is the song I want playing at my wedding I blurt out as I walk out with a flannel on. "Looks nice." Cam says. "I'll note that." Shawn winks.

I try on all of my other stuff. After forever 21, we go to the food court. "Taco bell?" I ask. "Yeah." They reply. We order, grab our food and sit. We talk about random stuff until Cam elbows Shawn. "Now?" He mumbles and looks at Cameron. "Yes." He replies.

I look at them confused. Shawn groans. "Kaylia I am so Happy you forgave me. But I just need to ask you one question." He smiles and clears his throat. He kneels down in front of everyone in the food court. My face goes red.

"I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me." He sings. Oh no. "Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me." He sings louder. "When the lights come on and I'm on my own,
will you be there to sing it again?" He smiles at me and takes a ring pop out of his pocket.

"Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories, can I be him?" He sings, unwrapping the ringpop." I bust out laughing. "Will you be my girlfriend, again, Kaylia Vega?" He asks. I smile. "Say yes!" Someone says from the crowd surrounding us.

"Yes." I laugh. He puts the ring pop on my finger and I lick it. Everyone cheers as Shawn, Cameron, and I bust out laughing. "That went perfectly." I giggle. "It was my idea." Cameron states. "Well, thank you so much Cam." I hug him. We walk home, blasting music with my new speaker.

"That was quite a move you pulled there, Mendes." I state. "Good move, or Bad move?" He smirks. "Good." I giggle. "So, are you ready for school tomorrow?" He asks. "Do I look like I'm ready." I state. Cameron snickers.

When we get to my place, we put on movies and watched them for the rest of the night. "The maze runner?" Cameron asks. "Mhm." I agree. Shawn nods. I stretch out and go to the kitchen. "Popcorn please." Cam yells. "Shawn?" I ask. "Muffin." He states. "Why am I not surprised." I smile.

I make myself toast with nutella and whipped cream, and grabbed a bag of hot cheetos and an Arizona. I made Matt his popcorn and got the dozen of muffins. I brought everything out in one trip surprisingly. "Super woman!" Cameron smiles.

As we watch the movie, I catch Cameron staring at me. He looks away quickly. Weird. "How are you liking this movie?" Cameron asks like nothing happened. "Thomas A-K-A Dylan O'Brien is so hot " I state. "I am right here." Shawn playfully puts his hand to his heart.

We all laugh it off. After the movie was done, Cam got up. "I have to get going. You know, first day of school and all." He scratches the back of his neck. "Okay." I reply. He leans in for a hug. I wrap my arms around him. "See you tomorrow seniors." He bro hugs Shawn. I smile.

"See you tomorrow." I smile and lock the door behind him. "Well, time for bed." I look at the time. 12:00 AM. "You need to get home." I scold Shawn. "I want to stay! You don't want me out there at night!" He makes excuses. "You live six houses down." I raise an eyebrow.

"I have clothes here." He flops down on the couch. "Go. Now." I lay a hand on my hip. He groans. "Can I get a kiss goodbye this time?" He asks. "I'm literally going to see you in eight hours." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Please?" He pleads. "Fuck off, Mendes." I pull him off of the bed and kiss him passionately. I then push him to the door. "I love you!" He yells before I playfully push him out. "One more?" He smiles innocently. I peck his cheek and he frowns. "Goodbye, Mendes." I wave. "Goodbye, Vega." He smiles and makes his way down the street.

(A|N): I know what you're thinking. Another chapter already??? YAS MY QUEENS. I am on my shyt right now and I'm just inspired :) hope you liked this chapter !!! Okay bya muffins !!

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