25~Did you just say sexy?

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~Did you just say sexy?~

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up feeling super nervous. I'm finally a senior. I call Shawn after getting out of my Warm shower and do my hair. "Are you ready?" He asks. "No." I reply. "I'm outside." He whines. "You just couldn't wait to see me, could you?" I laugh.

"Open the door!" He groans. "I'm doing my hair. There's a spare key in the mail box." I roll my eyes as I finish up my bun. I gel my hair down and then walk downstairs. I see Shawn, while he sees me his eyes brighten. "Hello there, beautiful." Hs smiles. I roll my eyes.

I grab a yoghurt tube and my sweater then walk out with Shawn. "No good morning hug and kiss?" He pouts. I side hug him and kiss his cheek. "So fake." He laughs and I join. As we walk to school, we meet up with Cameron. "First day as seniors!" He exclaims.

I smile. "Isn't your birthday tomorrow?" Shawn reminds me. I shush him. "Your birthday's tomorrow?" Cameron exclaims. "We have to have a huge party!" He Exclaims. "No!" I stop him there. "No party." I warn.

"Why not?" Shawn asks. "You know how I feel about parties." I roll my eyes. "It's Only one night! The big 18!" He begs. "No." I hold my finger up. Shawn and Cameron look at each other. "If I come home to a surprise party tomorrow I will kill you both with my bare hands." I warn.

First period flew by, especially Because it was an elective. I was now heading to English. Which I had with Shawn. "How's your first day going, my love?" He asks. "Good." I smile. The teacher went babbling on about what we're gonna do this year and how she expects our "full potential" because we are seniors.

After school, Shawn and I went to Tim's with Cameron and a random girl. We ordered our usuals and just got to know the random girl. Turns out her name was Anna and she is 'So in love with magcon, oh em gee!' her voice is so squeaky.

I walk home with Shawn, and we walk into my boring old house once again. "I'm home." I yell out to my mom. "Hi honey! Hi Shawn!" She exclaims. "Hey, Ms. Vega. How are you?" He asks. "I am good." she replies and smiles.

"We're gonna head upstairs." I state while walking up the stairs and into my room. I flop down onto my bed and see sparky. "Well, hello there little guy." I smile and put him on my stomach. Then, Shawn walks in. I continue to pet my small little angel of a kitten while he sits on my bed.

"You're going to have the best birthday ever!" He exclaims. "Yeah. Because I'm spending my birthday at home, watching movies." I smile. "I won't allow that." He states. "It's not like I could do anything special. We have school." I remind him.

"Not if we skip." He smirks. "Shawn I am about to be Valedictoriameof our class, I am not missing any school this year." I growl. "What's so fun about being the smart one? Don't get me wrong it's completely sexy, but you need to live a little." He lay next to me.

"Ew. Did you just say sexy?" I look at him and laugh. "I'm serious! You have to miss school tomorrow." He complains. "Not happening, Mendes." I put sparky down and he runs to his bowl. "And plus, I do live. A lot. I've traveled half of the world with a bunch of people and performed for them." I bring up magcon.

"I mean I need to see the bad ass side of you." He smirks. "I could show you bad ass." I lead him out of the house and grab Josh's skate board. "I've never seen you even touch a skate board." He raises a brow. "Watch and learn, Mendes." I ride the skate board and do a couple of tricks. "I still remember." I smile.

"Wow." Shawn exclaims. "Josh taught me a few tricks back in year 8." I smile. "You really do have a bad ass side." He laughs. "That's not bad ass. That's not even close to bad ass." I roll my eyes.

(A|N) Wus good homie homesssss.  Well another update but it's just a filler. I start school in a few days nooooooo haaalp. But anyways byaa muffins

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