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~4 years later~

"That was a huge crowd tonight!" I exclaim, locking hands with my husband's. "The biggest we've ever had." He replies. I play with his wedding ring and admire our matching tattoos. "The ring finger was a perfect spot, wasn't it?" He asks.

"It was." I reply as we walk out, waving to all of our dedicated fans, taking pictures. As we get into the limo, I wave goodbye to the people we love. "Are you ready to go back home?" I ask. "Do we have to?" He replies.

"Of course we have to." I playfully smack his chest. "I'd rather travel the world with my wife, than my wife having to sneak me into her dorm room at night." He chuckles. "It's pretty badass, though. I must admit." He kisses me slowly.


"Home sweet home." I pull Shawn into his house. "Shawn! Kay!" Aaliyah runs down the stairs and hugs us. "How's the love birds?" Shawn's mom asks. "We're great. Really were missing home though." I reply.

After staying at Shawn's house for a while, we left to mine to unpack my things. "I have a crazy idea." Shawn collapses on my old bed. "What is that?" I ask. "Let's get a house." He states. " We're barely home, Shawn." I chuckle.

"Yeah, but with you finishing college next year, we're gonna need to get a house." He turns over to look at me. "What about our summer tours?" I ask. "We could tour more and come home to a beautiful house." He caresses my cheek and kisses me.

"Shawn?" I call him in, voice shaky. "Yes, my loving wife?" He walks into our room and sits down on the messily made bed. "I have some news." I look down and he touches me knee. "And what is that, babe?" He asks.

"I-I'm pregnant." I show him the stick and he jumps up. "No way!" He picks me up and spins me around. "Y-you're not mad?" I ask, confused. "Are you kidding?! I've always wanted to be a dad!" He kisses me passionately. "This is awesome!" He sets me on the bed and flops next to me.

"We're actually going to be parents." He whispers after a while. "We're only in our 20's too." I state. "This baby's going to have the best craziest parents in the world." I add. "Of course they are. They're going to be a musician too." He rubs my stomach and kisses it.

"I love you, Mrs. Mendes." He smiles. "I love you more, Mr. Mendes." I giggle.

(A|N): So that's it!... I'M SO SAD IT'S OVER I LOVED THIS STORY. Okay I really really hope you guys liked it and had fun. I had fun. This was a really good thing to get my mind off of things. THANK YOU GUYS hey BY THE WAYYYY I have another story called 'High' and if you like my writing style I will be working on that for a while. ANYWAYS I'll see ya, ya muffins 😍😍😍

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