21~Tears at Tim's

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~Tears at Tim's~

*Kaylia's POV*

I walk to the hotel, never stopping to wipe my tears. It's not over. It can't be. When I finally get to the hotel, I ask Can if I could sleep in his room. He agrees. "I'm Sorry, Kay." He hugs me. I really needed that hug.

I lay on the bed and just cry. He runs my leg and lay next to me. "It just hurts so much to let him go." I weep. "I know." He says softly. "And why would he choose her? I've been loving him this whole Time!" I croak out.

"Kay, wake up. We go home today." Cam shakes me. I groan. "I don't want to go." I whine. "We have to." He replies. I sigh. "Home means school." I groan.

I walk out of the airport, Shawn following silently. Cam throws an arm around me. "So, senior year, are you ready?" He asks. "No." I reply. "Well, we start in a week, so get ready." He jokes. I fake a smile.

When I get home I hug my mom, then my brother. We all sit on the couch. "How was tour?" My mom asks. "Good... And bad." My voice gets low as I hold back tears. "What happened?" Josh's fists clench.

"Shawn and I, kind of, had a small bump." I try to explain. "Did he hurt you?" He asks. "No..." I lie. He gives me a look. "Yes." I look down. He storms out. "No!" I yell and run after him. "Josh, stop!" I cry out. He gets into his truck, but I slip in too.

"Josh, don't do this." My voice cracks as he drives. He doesn't speak, just drives. We get to Shawn's house, me still trying to talk him out of things, while he gets out of the car.

He knocks on the door, and Shawn answers. "Josh, stop." I yell out. He punches Shawn in the face. "Never hurt my baby sister again, you dick!" He punches him again. "I totally deserve that." Shawn mumbles. He shuts the door.

Josh gets back in the car. He hits the steering wheel when I walk away. I walk for what seems like forever. Admiring my home town. How much I missed being here.

I bump into someone. "I'm sorry, excuse me." I state. He turns around. "Blake?" I ask. "Kay! What's wrong?" He hugs me. "Nothing. I'm fine." I stutter. "Tell me." He growls. I tell him everything.

"Wow." He scoffs. "Famous boy isn't as nice as I thought." He smiles at me. I just shake my head. "Josh, he uh, he punched him." I say. "See, that's a good brother." He smiles and I giggle.

We walk to a nearby park and just sat on the swings, talking about tour. "I'm just sad it's over." I sigh. "Hey, at least you guys are still in touch." He assures. "I know, I'm just gonna miss the rush. How everyone is cheering for us." I look down.

When I get home, I see a note at the door, with a small box. I read the note.

'I tried my best to fix it. Just like I hope I can fix your heart. ~S.M'

I look in the box to see my necklace. I break down. "Shawn.." I croak out. I fall to my knees and continue crying. "Why did this fall apart so fast." I whisper.

I wipe my tears and walk inside. I go into my room and hide under the covers, never letting go if the necklace. This is the worst day ever.

I hear a knock. "Kay?" Josh asks. "Kay is dead." I mumble. He walks in. "I'm sorry for flipping out. I just hate that he hurt you." He sat down. "It's fine, Josh." I reply. "You are the best brother ever." I blurt out. "Same to you." He smiles.

He walks out, and I frown. "Welcome to the week of depression, Kaylia." I whisper to myself. I put it on harry potter, then do something I haven't done in a while, Draw. I draw a lot of things. I guess I'm finally Inspired.

I take a picture and post it on Instagram. I look at the time and see that it's 12 AM. I fall asleep with all of my art supplies around me.

I wake up to a text.

'Shawn: did you get the note.'

'You: Yes I did.'

'Shawn:I really do want to fix us, and I would do whatever it takes. Give me one last chance and I promise it'll be worth your while.'

'You: I don't know. I don't even know why I'm texting you. You broke my heart Shawn.'

'Shawn: I know that. I just need one last chance. I would do anything Kaylia. Please?'

'You: I'll think about it.'

I groan and shake my head. I get ready to head out to Tim Hortan's. I walk to Tim's in silence, on my phone texting the guys.

I finally get there and walk in. I order two muffins, with a hot chocolate. I sit down and peacefully eat my food. I see a familliar face walk in and internally groan. That's the one thing we have in common: Tim Horton's every morning.

I go on my phone, pretending that I never saw him, until he sits across from me. "Have you thought about it?" He asks and I scoff. "it's been twenty minutes." I state.

"I know." His voice lowers. "I have to move on, Shawn." I avoid eye contact. "No, you can't. I can't." His voice cracks as he throws his head in his hands. "I'm sorry Shawn." I wipe his tears. "Kay, please. I'm begging you. One. Last. Chance." He grabs a hold of my hand.

I stay silent for a second. "Fine." I let go. "Thank you. You won't regret it. I really will keep my promises this time." He smiles as I wipe his tears again.

As I leave Tim Horton's, Shawn follows. "Almost forgot we live on the same block." I mumble. "Yeah, me too." He sniffles. It's silent for a second. "So, I'm writing a new song. Actually a whole new album." He changes the subject.

"I inspired you that much huh?" I mumble. He smiles. "I guess." He replies. "Why are we acting like we haven't hurt each other?" I ask. "Because that was the past." He answers. I sigh. "I am going to make everything up to you. I promise, Kay."

"Stop with the stupid promises! I am not counting on anything. I know, you're trying but don't try too hard when you love another girl." I scoff. "I broke up with Harper." He mumbles as we reach my house. "Yeah, but are you still in love with her?" I ask. "No I am not, Kay!" He argues. "Whatever floats your boat, Mendes." I mumble.

(A|N): So I saw this video of Shawn and he was so drunk that he couldn't even clap his hands and I was dead like DEAD and yeah another update so woot woot anyways bya

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