13~Don't forget me!

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~Don't forget me!~

*Kaylia's POV*

I woke up in Shawn's bed. He was bringing in some burger king, with Blake following him. "What happened?" I ask. "You passed out." Shawn handed me the bag. "Oh." I reply.

"You need to take it easy, Kaylia." Blake sat on the bed with Shawn. "I know. But I don't understand what 'taking it easy' actually is because I'm always doing something." I explain. "Try to draw more." Shawn buds in. "I-I don't know. I haven't drawn in what feels like ages." I look at the ceiling.

"Wait, you draw?" Blake says after a few seconds. "Yes." I chuckle, "I draw." I smile. I took the chicken nuggets out of the bag and ate them with ranch. I felt a little better but didn't Dare to move. I have a huge migraine like usual.

"Is everything okay?" Blake asks. "Just fine, why?" I ask back. "Well, you did faint-" "she's just fine." Shawn glares at Blake after he interrupts him. "Can we talk for a second?" He fake smiles at me and drags Blake into the hall.

*Shawn's POV*

"you can't just put all of that pressure on her. If she has the slightest thought that she isn't okay, then she will freak out. You heard the nurse!" I growl at Blake. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just worried." He replies. "We have to stay strong for her. She will be just fine if we have hope." I finish and walk back into the room.

Kay was sitting up on her phone. "You're leaving tomorrow." She looks up. "I didn't want to tell you right away-" I sigh. "Sorry." I sit next to her. "It's fine." She continues to look at her phone.

Blake walks in. "I'm gonna go home, I have stuff to do." He waves. "Bye Blake." Kay and I say in sync. "So, need help packing?" She asks. "You just fainted. You don't need stress." I assure her. "I want to help." She replies.

After we packed my stuff Matt called me on FaceTime. Kay answered while she was in her bugs bunny onesie. "Oh hey there," Matt laughed.

*Kaylia's POV*

I talk to Matt while Shawn starts cooking. aaliyah walks in and hugs me. "Hey girl!" She smiles. "Hey!" I smile back. We talked while I was cooking.

After we ate, Shawn's parents came home and we were in his room. "Are you staying the night?" He asks. I check the time on my phone. 11:07. "I guess so." I showed him.

"You're house is literally down the street." He laughs. "If you want me to leave I leave!" I jokingly started walking. "baby come back!" He sang and I laughed.

I sat in his bed and grabbed his guitar. He just watched me play something random. When I look back up he was standing in front of me. "what are you doing?" I ask, laughing.

"This." He says before kissing me. I kiss back and he moves the guitar. We both pull away and giggle. "You're leaving tomorrow." I lay back. "Remember our deal, Mendes? I ask.

"Yes." He smiles and lands on top of me. "That doesn't mean I can't have a little fun," He pecks my nose. "Isn't that right, Vega?" He smirks.

"Fuck off, Mendes." I turn over and laugh. After talking for a while, we both fell asleep.

I woke up to Shawn's alarm. "Wake up, Mendes." I groan and hit him with a pillow. "No." He groans back. I hit him with a pillow until he woke up. "I hate you!" He frowns.

I grab some yogurt then help Shawn with his bags to the car. I drive him to the airport and made sure he had everything. Now was the hard part. The goodbye.

I hugged him for what felt like 10 minutes. Then his flight was called. My heart sank and my stomach clenched. "I-I have to go." Tears start tolling down both of our cheeks.

"No." I whisper. "Kay," he breaks my heart. "don't make this harder than it already is." The tears won't stop. "Don't forget me!" I croak. "I promise, I won't Kay." He whispers.

I finally Let go and fell onto the ground. My legs wouldn't work. Nothing worked. I felt Dead. He kissed my cheek and left. "Bye." I whisper. I watched him fade far away then got up.

"I love you, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes." I whisper and got in the car. "So much." My voice cracks. As I drive home it hits me again. I get home and stay in bed all day. Feeling like all if my tears are finally gone. Literally not able to cry anymore.

Finally, I get a text from Shawn.

Mendes💖~ 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 45 seconds apart.😪

You~Can't stand it. Helllp

I talk to him for the rest of the day, while in bed. I got tired so I fell asleep.

While the big Shawn Mendes had fun on tour,

I was at home crying about it.

(A|N): Heeyyy long time no seeeee. Just been busy lately. WRITERS BLOCK TOOK OVER 😂😂😂 Anyways bya muffins !!

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