23~Cat fight (meow)

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~Cat fight (meow)~

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up, feeling a pair of hands around my waist. "Too far, Mendes." I mumble as I slip out of his weak grip. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I make a small breakfast. "Good morning." Josh walks in. Oh shit!

"Morning." I fake a smile and continue making my eggs and bacon. "Today is the day I go back out to college." He states. I nod my head. "Are you going to miss me?" He asks. "What kind of question us that? Of course I'm gonna miss you!" I hug him tightly.

I see Shawn walk halfway down the stairs. His eyes widen and I shoo him back upstairs. He tip toes up the stairs and Josh lets go of me. "I have to go run some errands. Will you be okay alone?" He grabs his keys as I nod. "Remember. No Shawn." He pokes my nose.

When the door closes I wait a minute before I yell up to Shawn. He slowly walks down the stairs with my kitten. "Oh shit we need cat food." I face palm. "He could eat something else when we're gone." He says. I break up some bacon on a plate and go upstairs to get dressed.

I kiss Sparky before we leave. "Me too?" Shawn makes a puppy face. "I kiss cats not dogs." I get into the car. "Well it's a good thing I'm allergic to dogs, then." He smirks. I fake a laugh. "No." I start up the car and we go to pet smart.

In pet smart, we kind of go overboard with toys. "What about this?" Shawn asks, holding up a cute electric toy mouse. I nod. As we pay, I realize that we spent way too much money. It's too late now I guess. We bring our food and toys to the car. "Where to now, Vega?" He asks.  "Way too early to call me that." I correct him. He clears his throat and nods.

"We are going home to feed Sparky " I smile. When I get home, I see Josh's Car in the driveway. "He's here." My eyes widen. We get dumb founded. What are we supposed to do?

Josh came out, kitten in hands, and sees Shawn. "Fuck." Shawn and I say at the same time. Josh puts the kitten back into the house and storms up to the car. He opens the door. "What the fuck is this?" He yells. "Josh-" "I'll leave." Shawn mumbles. "Damn right!" Josh looks at me with disappointment.

"Don't go." I groan. "Let's go inside and hash this out." I roll my eyes and get my things. Everyone sits in the living room, waiting for the tense conversation in awkward silence.

I gave the food to Sparky and sat down. "Alright. let's start with Josh." I let him speak. "You hurt my baby sister. You're lucky I didn't kill your punk ass! No wonder your family hates you. Just know you will pay for this." He screams. Shawn clenches his fists.

"Now Shawn." I let him speak. "I did hurt your sister. But I made a mistake. I regret it every day of my life. She's my everything, and I tried my best to make it up to her. I'm not a fucking punk, you just fail to see me you fucking prick." Shawn sneers.

Josh shoots up. "Stop." I growl. "Do you guys see the problem here?" I ask. They stay silent. "You guys are making this personal. I decide who I want to forgive and who I want to associate with." I glare at Josh. "I also decide if I like people who fight with my brother and fuck around with people's feelings." I glare at Shawn.

They both look down. "I can't do this shit." I mumble and walk out of the house. I walk far from the house and scream. I screamed in agony. It felt so good to get it out. I walk to Tim's and order a jot chocolate. I see a far too familiar face. "Cam." I smile and sit next to him.

"Kay!" He smiles and hugs me. "Been a while." He jokes. "Certainly feels like it. A lot could happen in a few days." I sigh. "You and Shawn make up?" He asks. I nod. "Why so gloomy then?" He asks.

"Josh took the whole thing badly. He kind of, punched Shawn. I mean, I get it. I'm his sister. But once I forgave Shawn, he was making it about him and bringing up personal things." I fiddle with my fingers. "I kind of left them in an awkward state." I laugh. He joins.

"Wow. You're right, a lot can happen in a few days." He smiles. "Well, I forgave Shawn because he planned a cute and cheesy day that basically represented us. Plus, he made this collage type of thing in a building, it kind of looks like a hang out place. He took months to make it, and it's beautiful!" I ramble on to Cameron. He didn't seem to mind.

Then, Shawn and Josh come storming in. They look around, and once they see me, they walk over. "Kay, we're so sorry." Shawn starts. "I'm not as much as he is," Josh starts. I roll my eyes. Classic Josh. "It's fine. I'm not mad." I smile.

"Shawny" Cam smiles. "Cammy!" Shawn bro hugs him. "Let's go home. I need to play with Sparky." I smile. Cam tags along as we all walk home. When we get there, I put on a movie for the boys as Josh packs.

I go up to Josh's room, and help him pack. "So, you forgave him." Josh states. "Yeah. He gave me a good night. Might as well give him another chance." I shrug and he nods. "I just want the best for you." He throws a shirt in his suit case. "I know." I fold the same shirt into the suit case neatly.

"If he ever hurts you again, call me." He looks at me with a stern look. I nod. I put on some music and we pack up the rest of his stuff. "I'm going to miss you so much." I hug him. "I'll be around." He squeezes me.

We go downstairs to watch the rest of the movie with the boys. We all just end up playing with the kitten. Everyone falls asleep in the living room except for me. I went through so many movies and I still wasn't tired. I check my phone to see it's 1 AM.

I go into the kitchen and grab a midnight snack of ramen noodles. Someone walks in, and I gasp, and jump. "Shawn." I groan. "I wanted to see who was out here." He whispers. I go up to my room and he follows. "I put on The Hunger Games and eat.

Shawn watches the movie in silence. "Today was super weird." I blurt out. "I know. I feel horrible." He shakes his head. "Don't we all." I state. "I should've never did that to you, man." He sighs. "Shawn. I get it. I know you're sorry. You've made it up to me pretty well." I put the now empty bowl down.

"I just feel like I can't make it how it used to be." We both lay down as I turn the TV off. "Shawn, you're my best friend. My soulmate. The Clyde to my Bonnie. I'm not going anywhere." I state. He pulls me close.

"Good." He smiles. After a few minutes I speak. "This is our first time cuddling in a while." "We could stop if you want." He Pulls away slightly. "No, it's fine. I missed this." I move closer. "Me too." He whispers. Next thing I know our lips were touching.

We both pull away and I smile. "Wow. You have no idea how much I missed your lips." He smirks. "Oh, fuck off Mendes." I smash my lips back onto his. I then pull away and turn around. "It is time for sleep." I yawn. "But it was just getting fun." He smirks. "You are such a hormonal boy." I scoff. "Well, duh." We both laugh.

(A|N): Wus good my Mendes army. Sooo I saw Shawn at The VMAs and oooouuu he slayed I was YAS he is such an angel. Oh and plus school starts in a week oh PISS OFF SCHOOL. also went to the fair and almost died so yeah anyways don't forget to vote and comment. Byaaaa muffins.

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