27~Deja Vu

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~Deja Vu~

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up to Shawn playing the piano softly. I stretch out onto his bed and he looks back. "Good afternoon." He walks over and kisses my forehead.

"My head hurts." I whine. "If I had a head like that mine would hurt too." He makes a dad joke. I laugh. "Dork." I state. "Let's get you home, Yeah?" He let's me get on his back and carries me home.

"It's clean." I gasp in disbelief as I look at all of the mag con boys asleep on my floor. Except for Cam and Matt. "Happy saturday!" Matt walks out of the kitchen with oven mitts on.

"What are you making?" I ask as Shawn sets me down. I smell the sweet scent of French toast and smile. "Smells good." I smile. "It's my birthday present." He smiles. "Speaking of birthday presents." Shawn pulls me aside.

He pulls out a necklace box and opens it. "You did not!" I squeal looking at the necklace. It was a half of a heart. Shawn pulls out his keychain and it reveals the other half.

He puts them together so I could read it. The front said 'never be alone' I turned it over and read the back out loud. "Take a piece of my heart, and make it all your own, So when we are apart, you'll never be alone." I read out and smile.

"It's a song that I wrote for my album." He scratches the back of his neck. "It's perfect!" I smile and hug him. He clips the necklace around my neck. "Thank you, Shawn. You really didn't have to." I smile.

*2 Months Later*

"Winter break!" I yell as Shawn and I walk home. He has his arm around me and his eyes straight. "What are we doing?" I ask. "I don't know." He shrugs and looks down. "Shawn." I state. He keeps looking straight and I stop.

"What are you not telling me?" I ask. "Nothing." He replies, with his hands up. "The last time you were quiet about break was when you were going on tour." I lean against a nearby wall. "I'm not leaving until I know what's wrong." I state.

"My manager gave me an opportunity." He leans next to me. "An opportunity of..?" I ask. "Headlining my own tour. In two weeks." He looks down. "Shawn. That's awesome!" I exclaim.

He looks at me confused. "You're not going to miss me?" He asks. "Do you remember our deal?" I ask. "That we made so long ago." He states. "I will not get in the way of your dreams. Ever. Even though I will miss you like hell, this is what you dreamed of." I explain.

"Kay, I want to stay." He states. "What?" I reply. "I just got to fix everything with you. I'm not going to ruin my relationship on tour." He looks out Into the distance.

"Are you mental?" I ask. "What?" He replies. "You have fans out there. You have people who would do anything for you. You are lucky. You get to play for them people." I roll my eyes.

"But I love you." He looks down. "If I'm that much of a distraction," I stop myself and clear my throat. "Shawn. You have to live your dream. I can't always be your excuse. You're career is so important to you-" "So are you!" He exclaims. "This feels like deja vu." I whisper.

"You don't get what I'm saying." I groan. "What are you Saying, Kaylia?" He yells. "That your career is way more important than a relationship!" I yell back. "So you're saying, that you don't care about this relationship." He looks down.

"I am going to rip my hair out!" I groan. "I never said that. You just want to stay for a stupid girl when you could be living life! You said it before, take risks, be bad ass!" I yell. "Shawn. It's better if you go on tour. I'll always be here." I lower my voice and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He asks. "What do you think I'm saying?" I reply. "That you want to break up." He pulls away. "I'm sorry Shawn, it's for the best." I state and hold my tears. "At least it's not me messing up the relationship this time." He mumbles.

"Shawn. I'll  still love you. I'll always love you. I'll always be here waiting for you. Everything will be the same when you come back. I just want you to live your life and meet new people and have a nice tour. I don't want to weigh you down." I wipe my warm tears off of my cold face.

He stays silent. "I'll let you think about that." I state and walk away. "I love you!" I yell before walking into my house. I feel numb. Like rubber is there instead of my insides. I slide down my door and wonder.

What the fuck did I just do?

Did I just mess it all up with Shawn?

Did I just hurt Shawn?


(A|N): Hi another update in one day yas but I know you hate me! I knooooowwww this is a sad chapter but I think Shaylia will make it out alive. Bya muffins!

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