28~Reversed Promises

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~Reversed Promises~

*Kaylia's POV*

I stay sitting behind the door for what felt like hours. Thinking about how I intentionally broke both of our hearts. I groan loudly. "Why does love have to be so hard?" I blurt out. "Because, you're a mess little sis." I jump when I hear Josh's voice.

"Josh!" I exclaim and hug him. "What's wrong baby sis?" He asks. "I just, kind of, totally, broke Shawn's heart." I shut my eyes. "How?" He asks. "He got a tour opportunity from his manager, and doesn't want to go because of me." I explain.

"Another tour? This kid is on a roll!" He exclaims. "Not if he doesn't go." I mumble. "I told him that I'm a distraction. He needs to have fun on tour instead of staying here with me." I fiddle with my fingers.

"So, he's leaving?" Josh asks. "I have no idea. I left him to think about it." I shrug. "Girl, if you don't go comfort your future husband I will beat you." He warns in a joking way. I smile slightly. "Fine, I'll see what's going on." I throw my hands up.

I finally build up the confidence to knock on the door. I throw my hands In my sweater pockets when the door swings open. "Aaliyah! Hi, is Shawn home?" I ask.

"Hi! He's in his room." She let's me in. "Thanks." I force a smile. Aaliyah is so sweet. I walk to Shawn's door and hesitate to open it. I finally open it and see him laying in his bed, motionless.

"Shawn." My breath hitches when he turns around. "You look horrible." I walk slowly towards him. He rolls his eyes. "Shawn. I came to apologise-" "Did you really? Or did you come so you could feel better about yourself?" He interrupts me.

"I love you!" I exclaim. "I'm doing this for the sake of us, Shawn!" I sit on his bed. "How?" He scoffs. "Remember last time you went on tour?" I ask. He nods. "That's how." I cross my arms.

"Management won't get in the way this time." He shakes his head. "How do you know, Shawn?" I ask. He stays silent. "We could still stay like this. Best friends. Just not the lovey dovey stuff. I can't go through that again. When you come back, our relationship will go right back to normal. I promise." I hold my pinky up.

"This time it's you making promises." He cracks a joke and smiles. He intertwines our Pinkys and I smile. "We're best friends when you're on the road, lovers when you're not." I state. "Of course." He smiles. I pull him in for a well needed, long hug. He kisses my forehead and I smile.

"Now let's talk about the fun stuff." I smirk. "Okay. Well the album is destroying the charts." He shows me the ITunes charts. I gasp. "That is awesome!" I squeal. "The fans are loving the new songs. Man, I love them." He looks up.

"And now you're going to play for them all around the world!" I squeal. "Yeah, I am!" He picks me up and spins me around. "Hey." He says as he sets me down. "Yeah?" I reply. "You should start posting on your YouTube channel more." He suggests.

"I don't know..." I hesitate. "It'll be something to do when I'm gone." He urges. "Maybe." I state. "I better be seeing them videos, Vega." He smiles. I lay down on his Chest. "I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss us." He states. "Me too." I reply.

"I love you, Kaylia Vega." He rubs my arm. "I love you more, Shawn Mendes." I kiss his cheek. "Gosh, but the tour is going to be crazy!" He changes the subject. "I'm sure it will be." I smile.

"I'm so glad we made up." I sigh. He chuckles. "I would've forgave you either way. Kay, you gave me so many chances, I would get over it because you just want the best for me." He pulls me closer. "Yeah." Was all I could say.

"Well, are you gonna help me pack?" He gets up and I nod. "Your case would be a mess if I didn't." I joke and he laughs. I play my Spotify playlist and we start packing. One of Shawn's songs come on again. "You do listen to my songs." He laughs.

"You are a great singer." I fold a shirt and neatly place it in his suit case. "Why, thank you. I'm flattered." He puts his hand on his chest. I roll my eyes playfully and smile. He throws a shirt sloppily in his suit case and I fix it. We jam out to whatever song comes on and we talk about random things.

"School is going to suck without you." I complain. "I know." He replies cockily. I laugh. After packing his case we watch a movie. "Let's watch titanic." I lay on his bed. "Nope." He states. "Please?" I poke my bottom lip out. "Fine." He groans and I smile.

We start cuddling, and I start to think how he's not going to be here for a long while. I start to space out, wondering what I would do without this boy.

"Kay!" I hear him kind of yell. "Yeah." I reply. "What are you thinking about?" He chuckles. "How much of an asshole you are." I joke and he chuckles. "I love you too." He smiles.

I close my eyes for a while. I was just listening to the movie. It got to the part where Jack and Rose were on the float, and Jack dies. "I'll never let go." Rose says and I hear Shawn sniffle. I open my eyes and look back at him. "I-I just have something in my eye." He wipes his tears and I laugh.

"You are so sensitive." I giggle. "I wasn't crying!" He defends. "Don't worry. I think it's cute." I kiss his cheek. After titanic, we put on Mean girls. I finally fall asleep in the middle of the movie.

(A|N): So they made up. Woohoo. School starts tomorrow so less frequent updates but the book is coming to an end soon anyways. Soo bya muffins

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