8~The Moment They Never Forgot

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~The Moment They Never  Forgot~

*Shawn's POV*

I wake up to my phone ringing. I didn't look at the name, I just declined. I need more sleep. I slept in for a few more minutes until I was awoken by my phone again. "Hello?" I groan. "H-hello?" Kaylia's voice echoed through the phone. It sounded like she was crying.

"Kaylia!" I shot up. "He's not going to make it!" She replies. I forgot it was night there. "What's wrong?" I ask. "He got shot!" She cried. "Who?" I ask, panicking.

"Josh!" Her voice cracked. I heard a car door slam. "I-I'll call you later I need to see Him!" She hung up. Fuck. I get up and start pacing. I hope she's okay. I hope Josh is okay.

*Kaylia's POV*

I start speeding. I can't think. My vision starts get blurred by tears, and I barely could see. I wiped my tears, then see headlights coming my way. I tried to swerve out of it but it was to late. All I saw was black.

~The Next Day~

*Shawn's POV*

I sat in the resturaunt shaking my leg. "Why so tense?" Cam asks. God I hate him. "Yeah, you look worried." Johnson adds. "Kay said she would call me yesterday and no texts or anything." A tear escaped from eye.

"So?" G asks. "Her brother got shot and she was probably speeding and crying while driving, and crashed!" I yell as I break down. "Shawn.. She's going to be fine." Cam says. "I-I hope so." G says under his breath.

When I got back to the hotel I got a call. It was Kay's mom. I thought she was on a work trip. "Hello?" I answer. "Shawn honey, I-I'm sorry to say-" I cut her off. "What happened? Is Kaylia okay? Is Josh okay? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Josh is fine." She answers. "W-What about Kay?" I ask, tears streaming down my face. "She got into a car crash, Shawn." Her mom broke down crying. "W-what?" My voice cracks. "I have to go hon. I'm so sorry." She speaks after a few. "No I'm sorry. I really hope she's okay. I'll be there soon." I say and hang up.

I start crying non-stop and packing my stuff. Matt walked in. "Woah- Shawn what's wrong?" He asks. "Kay is in the hospital. S-She got into a C-Crash." More tears came down. "I-I'm so sorry dude." He pulled me into a hug.

"I have to go home." I sniffle. "Everyone should understand." Matt assures me. Everyone else walks in. "What's wrong?" G asks. "Kaylia got into a crash." Matt answeres for me.

"Really?" Cam asks in shock. "Stop acting like you care Cameron!" I clench my fists and walk up to him. "I do care!" He replies. "You hurt her, and when something bad happens you can't just pretend to care. She might die! You had your chance to care about her and you blew it!" I yell and punch him in the face. He didn't hit me back.

*Matt's POV*

I pulled Shawn back. "Calm down okay?" I face him. "I know it's hard right now. But you can't take it out on anyone okay?" I pat his shoulder and he nods. Everyone helped him pack his stuff and G told Bart. Shawn was still Crying. He looks like crap. He really cares about her.

(A|N): Sad chapter I know. It's short too, but I needed to update. I spend most of my time on Sims 4 okay 😂😂 I may or may have not made my crush and I on Sims 4 and made us fall in love... DON'T JUDGE MEEEEEEE!!!!! any ways don't forgot to vote and comment what you think! Byaaaa

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