14~Opportunity of a lifetime

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~Opportunity of a lifetime~

-one month later-

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up and do my normal morning routine. Take a shower, get dressed, do my hair, text Shawn, and get no reply. Like always.

Last day of school. Then I could spend summer crying in my bed and eating non stop because Shawn left me in the dust. I look on YouTube just to see he took our videos down.

When I got to school I talked to no one. I was debating on going. I just can't wait until everything is over with. The school day went by surprisingly fast and I finally got to go home.

I looked on Instagram to see Shawn posted a photo of him and the magcon crew. I texted him one more thing before I broke down crying again.

 I texted him one more thing before I broke down crying again

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I went on with my day as normal. Nothing special really happened. Until I saw the great Shawn Mendes on TV. They were interviewing him.

"Is there any special girl in your life?" The interviewer asked and he smirked. "She's actually right here." He pulls a girl close to his chest and everyone goes wild. Tears brim from my eyes.

Why did you let yourself fall for him Kay?

Then I got a facetime call. Matt? I answer and wipe my tears. "Hey, Kaylia! It's been a while." He smiles. "Sure has." I fake a smile. "So how's life?" He asks. "Bad." I answer honestly.

"Well, that's what I'm here for. I didn't want to tell you or Shawn because it was a surprise, and Shawn never talks to anyone anymore, so," he smiles. "You're coming on tour!" He exclaims.

"W-What?" I ask. "I showed Bart your video and he loved it! You're part of the magcon family!" He goes on and on about everything. "Matt, I can't." I answer. "Why not?" He asks. "Shawn hates me and I can't face him." I admit.

"Come on, I'm here, everyone else is here. Shawn doesn't even have to know." He assures me. I look down. "Come on, Kay! This is a opportunity of a lifetime!" He exclaims.

"Okay, okay, fine. But when do I join?" I ask. "Tomorrow." He winced. "I have to pack!" I yell and get suit cases.

That whole night we talked while I was packing. They paid for the flights and everything. Now I just need to figure out what I am going to say to Shawn.

Or what I'm not going to say to Shawn.

I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. Magcon here I come. Shawn better watch his back.

(A|N): short chapter but I'll make up for it. Byaaa muffins!

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